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Version: Release 23.1

Jira Plugin

This topic describes how to configure the Jira Release plugin.

The Jira Release plugin is used to start releases from Jira work flows. The plugin provides a transition post function for this purpose.

As a prerequisite, the reader should have a good understanding of administering Jira work flows, screens and custom fields. For more information, see:


  • Start release from template post function:
    • Global Release Server authentication
    • Per issue Release Server authentication
    • Per issue Release template
    • Matches custom fields on an issue to like named Release template variables
    • Passes issue number to Release template variable called issue
  • Release password field:
    • Custom field type that hides the password on input and display


  • Release 8.5+
  • Jira 6.3.x, 6.4.x, 7.0.0-8.9.0


Follow the steps provided in the Installing by file upload section of the Atlassian Universal Plugin Manager documentation.

Start release from template Post Function

The post function can be used in a work flow transition. Take note of the ordering of the post function. For example, you may not wish to start a release if another aspect of the transition fails, e.g. saving the Jira ticket.

The function uses predefined custom fields on an issue for input and output. At a minimum, 2 custom fields are required:

  • A field to indicate the release template to start in Release
  • A field to capture the Release ID after a successful start

Other optional custom input fields are:

  • A field to indicate the Release Server URL
  • A field to indicate the username to use for authentication in Release Server
  • A field to indicate the password to use for authentication in Release Server
  • A field to indicate the release title to use

Any other custom field on an issue is used as input to Release template variables. The association is made based on the field name. The issue number is mapped to a Release template variable called issue, if present.

The name of the custom fields can be customized via the functions parameter settings.

Any errors encountered are logged as comments on the issue.


Template field nameCustom field name that is defined on an issue containing the Release template that is used to start the release. The issue must define and set this custom field.YesXLR Template Name
Release ID field nameCustom field name defined on an issue that will register the release ID after the function starts it. The issue must define this custom field.YesXLR Release ID
URLURL of the Release Server. This will be used when no URL is specified on an issue. This parameter can be blank.Nohttp://localhost:5516
UsernameUsername to use for authentication with the Release Server. This will be used when no username is specified on an issue. This parameter can be blank.Noadmin
PasswordPassword to use for authentication to the Release Server. Will be used when no password is specified on an issue. This parameter can be blank.Noadmin
Release title field nameCustom field name that is defined on an issue containing the title for the release. This parameter does not need to be defined on issue, it will be automatically generated for the issue number.NoXLR Release Title
URL field nameCustom field name that is defined on an issue containing the Release Server URL. If this custom field is defined and set on an issue, it will override the default setting.NoXLR URL
Password field nameCustom field name that is defined on an issue containing the Release username. If this custom field is defined and set on an issue, it will override the default setting.NoXLR Password

Release Password Field

Jira does not have a password custom field type. This plugin introduces such a type that hides the password on input and display.

Screenshots samples

The following screenshots are samples from a potential integration scenario.


Sample workflow that introduces a Release status. A user will transition to this state from the Done status.

Sample Workflow

Post Function Selection

Sample PostFunction Selection

Post Function Configuration

Sample PostFunction Conf

Release screen

Sample custom release screen that is associated with the workflow transition.

Sample Release Screen

Error comments

Sample error messages logged by the post function to the issue's comments.

Sample Errors

Successful start of release comment

Sample Start