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Version: Release 23.1

Create Release Tasks

A Create Release task is an automatic task that creates and starts a release based on a configured template.

Create Release

The options for the Create Release task are:

Release titleThe title to use for the newly created release.
TemplateThe template from which to create a release, or the variable from which the template ID will be derived.
FolderThe folder where you want to create the release.
Risk profileThe risk profile assigned to the release.
Start releaseIf the toggle is on, the release will be started after it is created by this task.
Release tagsTags that will be added in the new release; you can use variables with the placeholder ${...}.
VariablesVariables from the template that must be filled in (if applicable).
Created release IDOutput property bound to the variable that contains the ID of the created release.

In the release flow editor, Create Release tasks are marked with a green border.

Assigning an automated tasks user

A release that contains a Create Release task must have an automated tasks user assigned. This user must have the Create release permission on the template that you specify in the Create Release task. This automated tasks user will be copied to the new release created by the Create Release task. If the template that you specify is assigned a different automated tasks user, that user will not be used in the new release.

You can assign the automated tasks user in the Run automated tasks as user release property. For more information, see Configure release properties.

Passing the template and its variables dynamically

The template for creating a release can also be assigned through a release variable, by switching the template selector element to variable mode using the toggle button located left of the element.

In this mode, the selector is populated with global/release variables that can be chosen, and will be used to derive the Template ID when the task runs. It is also possible to create a new variable through the selector by typing the variable name and selecting the create option that is displayed.

When the template selector is in variable mode, and a variable is selected, the Variables option of the Create Release task can do the following things:

  • An Add button is displayed, as it becomes possible to add variables of all types that will be passed to the template, directly on the Create Release task.
  • The values for these can also be passed dynamically, since each variable has a toggle button located to the left and can be switched to variable mode. In this mode, like with template option described previously, the selector is populated with global/release variables that can be chosen, and from which the value to pass to the respective variable will be resolved.

Select the folder variable

Create a folder variable if it is not available.

The folder for creating a release can also be assigned through a release/folder/global variable of type text, by switching the folder selector element to variable mode using the toggle button located left of the element.

In this mode, the selector is populated with release/folder/global variables that can be chosen and will be used to derive the Folder ID when the task runs

Using the new release ID

When the new release is created, Release stores its unique ID in the Create Release task's Created release ID output property. You can configure this property to be a variable and use the variable in other tasks. Example: If you use the variable in a Gate task, the initial release will wait at the Gate until the new release is complete.

If you do not save the Created release ID in a variable, the release will proceed normally, but you cannot refer to the created release in other tasks.

Limiting concurrent releases

To prevent performance issues, Release limits the number of concurrently running releases that can be created by Create Release tasks to 100. You can adjust this limit by uncommenting and changing the xlrelease.Release.maxConcurrentReleases property in the XL_RELEASE_SERVER_HOME/conf/ file. You must restart the Release server for the change to take effect.