Creating a Histogram
You can create a histogram in a dossier.
To Create a Histogram
Open a new or existing dossier.
Click Insert Visualization to add a new, blank visualization to the dossier.
In the Visualization Gallery, click Histogram to create an histogram.
Drag objects from the Datasets panel to the Editor panel to add the corresponding data to the visualization. You can also drag objects from the Datasets panel directly onto the visualization.
Tip: To view data requirements for a graph style, hover your cursor over the visualization icon in the Visualization Gallery.
Place one metric in the Metric area.
Place one or more attributes in the Aggregate By area.
Open the Format panel and select Histogram Options from the first drop-down to display formatting options, specific to histograms.
To allow Intelligence Applications to automatically determine the number of the bins, select the Automatic checkbox. Go to step 11.
To specify the number of bins, select By Number of Bins from the drop-down and enter the number of bins. Go to step 11.
To specify the size of each bin, select By Bin Size from the drop-down.
The minimum and maximum values represent the start and end of the binning. To use the default minimum and maximum values of the dataset, select the Full data range checkbox. The minimum and maximum values of the dataset appear for reference.
To specify the minimum and maximum values, enter them in the Custom minimum value and Custom maximum value fields.
Enter the size of each bin in Bin Size.
In Data Labels, select options for the text labels in the histogram.
Use the first drop-down to select different areas of visualization for formatting and enter the appropriate options.
Click Save .