DORA Lead Time Analysis
The Lead Time Analysis dataset provides insights into the time it takes for a process to be completed, from the initiation of work to its final delivery. This dataset helps you understand the development process better, optimize workflows, and deliver software more efficiently while meeting customer expectations.
As a business stakeholder, you can find answers for some of the key business scenarios such as:
- Understand the efficiency at each stage and improve the process that contributes to most lead time.
- Identify bottlenecks, ensure to allocate sufficient time, and improve quality.
- Forecast and plan future tasks using historical lead time and cycle time data.
The following list of attributes are available as part of this dataset:
Attribute Name | Description |
Application | Name of the Application |
Calendar Date | Gregorian calendar date displayed in the format 'M/D/YYYY' |
Calendar month | Gregorian calendar month displayed in the format 'Mon YYYY' |
Calendar week | Gregorian calendar week displaying the week number. For example, W21, W22 |
Commit start datetime | Date and time of the developer contributing code to the repository |
Deployment completed datetime | The completion date and time of the deployment |
Lagging 30 days period flag | Flag to indicate if an event or count has occurred in the past 30 days |
Lagging count of days | Count of number of days since the first data record till current day |
Lagging count of months | Count of number of months since the first data record till the current month |
Lagging count of weeks | Count of number of weeks since the first data record till the current week |
Last deployment | Last date of the application deployed |
Release | Name of the working software provided to an end user |
Release description | The description of the release |
Release folder | Name of the Folders within which Releases are Organized |
Source type | Category of source data based on its characteristics |
The following list of metrics are available as part of this dataset:
Metric Name | Description |
Cycle time days | Duration in days between the first In Progress date and the last completed date of work item whose current status is completed |
Cycle time duration seconds | Duration in seconds between the first In Progress date and the last completed date of work item whose current status is completed |
Lead time days | Duration in days from the time the work item was created until it is completed |
Lead time duration seconds | Duration in seconds from the time the work item was created until it is completed |
Lead time for change days | Duration in days for a selected change request |
Lead time for change duration seconds | Duration in days from creation to completion for a selected change request |
No of cycle time | Count of production deployments for the Agile Source |
No of lead time for change | Count of production deployments for the SCM Source |
No of rows | Count of production deployments for the Change Source |
Sum of cycle time seconds | Total duration in seconds between the first In Progress date and the last completed date of work item whose current status is completed |
Sum of lead time for change seconds | Total duration in days from creation to completion for a selected change request |
Sum of lead time seconds | Total duration in seconds from the time the work item was created until it is completed |
Total Deployments | Number of deployments attempted for a particular release |