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Version: Deploy 23.3

Discovery in the JBoss Application Server plugin

This topic describes how to use the JBoss Application Server plugin to discover properties of a running JBoss server after specifying the JBoss server home location and the host on which the JBoss server is running.

The plugin can discover the following properties:

  • JBoss version
  • Control port
  • HTTP port
  • AJP port

The following is a sample Deploy command-line interface (CLI) script which discovers a JBoss server:

	host = repository.create(factory.configurationItem('Infrastructure/jboss-51-host', 'overthere.SshHost',
{'connectionType':'SFTP','address': 'jboss-51','username': 'root','password':'centos','os':'UNIX'}))
jboss = factory.configurationItem('Infrastructure/jboss-51-host/jboss-51', 'jbossas.ServerV5',
{'home':'/opt/jboss/5.1.0.GA', 'host':'Infrastructure/jboss-51-host'})

taskId = deployit.createDiscoveryTask(jboss)
cis = deployit.retrieveDiscoveryResults(taskId)


#discovery just discovers the topology and keeps the configuration items in memory. Save them in Deployit repository


  • Hosts are created under the Infrastructure tree, so the host ID is kept as Infrastructure/jboss-51-host
  • Host address can be the host IP address or the DNS name defined for the host
  • The JBoss server has a containment relation with a host (created under a host), so the server ID is kept as Infrastructure/jboss-51-host/jboss-51