Open a Virtual Mobile Device
Open a manual Mobile Studio session for an emulator / simulator
Navigate to Browsers & Emulators → Emulators:
Select a combination of your choice by changing the dropdown options:
Once a combination is selected, click Open.
Running an Appium Test with a virtual device
To point an Appium Test to run against a virtual device, add '@emulator='true' to deviceQuery. Whether it picks an iOS or Android will be dependent on how the rest of your query is built.
Here are a few examples:
Select any available iOS Simulator:
setCapability("deviceQuery", "@os='ios' and @emulator='true'")
Select any available Android Emulator:
setCapability("deviceQuery", "@os='android' and @emulator='true'")
See our Device Queries page to learn more about constructing your own Device Queries.
By default, @emulator is set to false