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Version: Release 24.1


This topic describes how Release sends email notifications for certain events in a release. The default events include task level events and release level events.


  • Active task assigned: When an active task is assigned to someone, they will receive an email notification that they are responsible for completing the task. The task team members will also receive an email notification

  • Active task unassigned: When a task is unassigned, both the task owner and the task team members will receive an email notification informing them that the task is now unassigned. This notification can be important for ensuring that tasks are not overlooked and remain unfinished.

  • Comment added: When a user adds a comment to a task, an email is sent to the task owner and the task team members of the team assigned to the task. The author of the comment will not be notified.

  • Manual task started: When a task in Release is initiated and enters the In Progress status, the assigned task owner will receive a notification.

    • If the task does not have an assignee but it has been assigned to a team, the task team members will receive an email notification.
    • If a task has no owner or team assigned, Release will send a warning message to the Release Admin team that a task is in progress but no one is responsible for it. This helps ensure that tasks are not left unfinished and that someone takes responsibility for them. For automated tasks, messages are sent to individual owners or team owners so they can track the progress of automated procedures they are responsible for. However, in the case of unassigned tasks, a warning message is not sent to release owners.
  • Manual task started without assignee: When a manual task is started but has no assigned owner, the Release Admin team receives an email notification.

  • Task due soon: When a task is approaching its set due date and only 25% of the initial task duration time remains, both the Release Admin and the task owner will receive an email notification.

By default, the system checks for tasks approaching their due date every 307 seconds. To change this interval, enter the following in the xl-release.conf with the required value.

 xl {
durations {
notifyDueSoonTasksInterval = 307 seconds

It is recommended to keep the default settings. If you want to change the default settings, make sure that the time interval for notifyDueSoonTasksInterval is not the same as notifyOverduePlanItemsInterval. This is to avoid excess load on the system.

  • Task failed: When a task fails in Release, the task owner and the task team are notified via email so that they can take appropriate action. A manual task is considered to have failed when its owner indicates that they cannot proceed and clicks Fail. Automated tasks may fail if they cannot be executed correctly, and if this results in a release failure, the Release Admin will receive an email notification.

  • Task flagged: When a flag status message is added to a task, the task owner and release admin will receive an email notification. If the task doesn't have an assigned owner, the task team will receive the email instead. The author of the flag status message will not receive any notification.

  • Task overdue: When the scheduled end date for a task has passed, and the task is overdue, an email notification is sent to the task owner and the release admin. If the task doesn't have an assigned owner, the task team will receive the email notification instead.

  • Task waiting for input: The task owner and the task team will receive an email notification that the task is waiting for input.

    By default, the system checks for overdue tasks every 300 seconds. To change this interval, enter the following in the xl-release.conf with the required value.

xl {
durations {
notifyOverduePlanItemsInterval = 300 seconds

It is recommended to keep the default settings. If you want to change the default settings, make sure that the time interval for notifyDueSoonTasksInterval is not the same as notifyOverduePlanItemsInterval. This is to avoid excess load on the system.

Personal and System Notifications


These notifications are automatically triggered by specific system actions and do not require manual user assignment.

  • User mentioned: Triggered when a user is mentioned using @username in a task comment or description.

  • User token about to expire: Sent 24 hours before a personal access token (PAT) expires. This notification is sent only once to the user who created the token.

  • Generic system notification: Sent automatically to admins in case of system failures, such as consecutive trigger failures.

  • Audit report notifications: Sent to the user who originally requested the audit report.

    • Audit report job aborted: Sent when an audit report generation is aborted.
    • Audit report job completed: Sent when an audit report is successfully generated.
    • Audit report job failed: Sent when an audit report generation fails due to errors.


  • Release started: When a release has started, the Release Admin team receives a notification.

  • Release completed: When a release has completed, the Release Admin team receives a notification.

  • Release failed: When a release has failed, the Release Admin team receives a notification.

  • Release failing: When a release is failing, the Release Admin team receives a notification.

  • Release aborted: When a release is aborted, the Release Admin team receives a notification.

  • Release flagged: The release admin team will receive an email notification when a user adds a flag status message to a task or the release to indicate that attention is needed or that the release is at risk. The author of the flag status message will not receive a notification.


When a user performs an action on multiple releases at the same time, only one notification email is sent to each recipient. The email contains information about the action performed and the list of releases affected by the action. This helps to prevent multiple email notifications from being sent to the user.

Disable the Toggle Feature for Overdue and Due-Soon Notifications

To disable the toggle feature for overdue and due-soon notification jobs, enter the following in the xl-release.conf.

xl {
features {
notifications {
due-soon {
enabled = false
overdue {
enabled = false

Enable Email Notifications for Inactive Users

Starting Release 10.1, email notifications to inactive users are disabled by default. To enable email notification for inactive users, enter the following in xl-release.conf

xl {
features {
notifications {
notify-inactive-users {
enabled = true