๐๏ธ General Settings
This topic explains how to configure General settings in Release.
๐๏ธ Release and Triggers Settings
In this topic, you will learn how to configure the releases, workflows, and triggers settings.
๐๏ธ Task Settings
In this topic, you will learn how to configure the task settings.
๐๏ธ Report Settings
In this topic, you will learn how to configure the audit and value stream reports.
๐๏ธ Advanced Settings
In this topic, you will learn how to configure the advanced settings.
๐๏ธ Experimental Settings
In this topic, you will learn how to configure some experimental settings.
๐๏ธ Notification Settings
You can configure the email notification preferences in Release by adding events that trigger notifications and by modifying the recipients that receive the email notifications.
๐๏ธ Risk Profile Settings
This topic explores Risk profile settings, which are configurations that help assess and manage the potential risks associated with a release.
๐๏ธ Workflow Category Settings
Workflows are bundled within the Release application itself, and are categorized into multiple types based on its use-cases. Additionally, you can also create new workflows and assign it to a specific category.
๐๏ธ SMTP Server Settings
In Release, you can configure an SMTP server to send notifications to users via email. This can be for events that occur during the execution of the release.
๐๏ธ Configure the Release Session
This topic outlines how to configure session timeout and session storage settings in Release.
๐๏ธ Source Control Management Connection
In Release, you can store template versions inside a folder in a Source Control Management (SCM) tool. This provides easier management of all the artifacts, and provides the possibility to store them together with Releasefiles and Jenkinsfiles, and to configure and to use them from a release pipeline. You can define an SCM connection on a folder level or on a global level in Release.
๐๏ธ HTTP GZIP Compression
You can configure GZIP compression in Release. GZIP compression is used to decrease the size of server responses and save bandwidth usage. There is a small overhead of server CPU usage to compress content. It is enabled by default, but you may want to adjust the settings depending on your use case.
๐๏ธ File Upload Properties
In Release you can configure the file upload properties. File upload properties are used to set a limit for the size of uploaded files and to restrict content accepted by Release.