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Version: 2024.12.12

What is Code Class

A code class refers to the category of code values or labels in the source, such as transaction status, transaction type, and task priority. Each code class adds unique perspectives to data interpretation, enriching analysis. For instance, by categorizing various status codes or labels into standardized values, you create a unified framework that supports the development of derived analysis (metrics, attributes), leading to meaningful and consistent insights across similar domain sources. This categorization process structures the data, making it easier to analyze and report, ensuring consistency and clarity in data representation and analysis. 

Within the Platform, you can map a source code or label from a code class to a specific standardized value available in the selected account. You can also configure both the source and warehouse code classes and establish mappings between them as part of an advanced modeler profile. Alternatively, a source admin can simply map their existing category codes or labels to standardized values.

Each set of values specific to a source application is managed and stored in a single physical table known as the xds table. A Transformed Data Store (XDS) table typically refers to a table where data has been processed or transformed from its original format into a structured, usable format for analysis or storage.