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Version: 2024.12.12

Application Properties

Application properties is a set of configurable parameters or settings that define the behaviors, configurations, and environment-specific settings. These properties are tailored to the specific application and helps you customize various aspects of the application, such as application setup, calendar configuration, currency preferences, email settings, target modeling, timezone configuration, Data warehouse, ETL configuration, and so on.

Accessing Application Properties

You can access application properties from the Platform.

The Application Properties page helps you view and edit the properties that are available for an application.

Change Risk Prediction

CRP.Risk Predictors

Following are the CRP.Risk Predictors property group that helps you specify the columns that you want to use as predictors to predict change failures:

NameDescriptionValue (Default)
01 Crp risk predictorRisk Factor1Assignee prior failure rate (last 180 days)
02 Crp risk predictorRisk Factor2Assignment group prior failure rate (last 180 days)
03 Crp risk predictorRisk Factor3Count of change tasks
04 Crp risk predictorRisk Factor4Lead time duration (days)
05 Crp risk predictorRisk Factor5Assignee prior changes
06 Crp risk predictorRisk Factor6Assignment group prior changes
07 Crp risk predictorRisk Factor7Change impact
08 Crp risk predictorRisk Factor8Planned start day of week

PCS.Credit Score

The PCS.Credit Score property group enables you to specify properties to configure the Change Credit Score dashboard.

NameDescriptionValue (Default)
01 Problem points bucket upper limitUpper limit for point buckets for calculation of debit score. This is used as a filter to fetch Problems in last 120 Days by default120
02 Problem default credit scoreDefault credit score for problem module850
03 Problem minimum credit scoreMinimum credit score for problem module300
04 Problem normal deductionNormal deduction for problem25
05 Problem due date deductionDue date deduction for problem50
06 P1 Priority Open Problem deductionP1 priority problem deduction for open problem150
08 Problem avg age days upper limitAverage Age upper limit for Problem5
09. Ags for scoring no of problem implementedMinimum number of problem implemented by an Assignment Group that have to be considered. Enter a value > 01

Release Premium

The following property group enables you to specify properties to configure the Release Premium offering:

NameDescriptionValue (Default)
RELEASE_APPLICATION_IDEAL_DEPLOYMENT_FAILURE_RATEDefines the ideal deployment failure rate to track applications in DAI Release source, used in Application Maturity Analysis Dashboard0.05
RELEASE_DEPENDENCY_TIME_ESTIMATE_HOURS_THRESHOLDTime estimate for the dependency commencement or closure (in hours). For Example, to determine the numner of dependencies commencing or closing in next N hours. This value determines the value of N (example: 24.0)120.0