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Version: Deploy 24.1

Application Maturity Analysis


The Application Maturity Analysis dashboard provides a snapshot view of your application maturity in terms of how mature is the application deployment using Deploy. This dashboard provides an overview of the current month’s application growth from the deployment point of view. You can compare the annual growth percentage of applications and the associated deployments and environments. The dashboard data is fetched based on parameters such as application added to a deployment tool, applications deployment activity, and application maturity when the application is deployed in multiple environments.

The Application Maturity Analysis dashboard helps a Deploy Manager answer the following business questions:

  • Can I examine the application maturity in terms of deployment over the last 13 months or 13 weeks of data?
  • Can I Identify the issues or delays related to the application deployment process and provide support to resolve them?
  • What is the success rate of application deployment processes?
  • What is the actual and average growth in application deployment?

This dashboard is built using the deployment and deployment_application datasets.

The Application Maturity Analysis dashboard consists of the following sections:

  • KPIs: By default, the KPIs listed in this dashboard show the values for the current month. The following KPIs drive the sections in the monthly and weekly panels of the dashboard:

  • Applications Used: The total number of applications deployed in the current month.

  • Applications More Than 1 Deployment: The number of applications associated with multiple deployments in any environment.

  • Applications More Than 2 Environments: The number of applications deployed in more than two different environment types.

  • Applications Where Deployment Failure Rate More Than Ideal: The count of applications where the deployment failure rate is greater than the average failure rate.

  • Monthly: The information on this Monthly tab covers 13 months of data. Using this tab, you can drill down into the Monthly values and the associated deployment details. Following is an example of the monthly tab.

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  • Weekly: The Weekly tab provides the data for the last 13 weeks. Using this tab, you can drill down into the Weekly values and the associated deployment details. Following is an example of the weekly tab.

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Applications Used

Applications Used KPI displays the total number of applications deployed in the current month. The dashboard displays panels related to the Applications Used KPI by default.

Applications on-boarding Trend

This panel in the Monthly or Weekly tab displays the trend of new applications deployed compared to cumulative applications. The X-axis represents the calendar month or week, and the Y-axis represents the number of new and cumulative applications accordingly. You can drill down to a specific month’s or week’s data by selecting the required month or week from the graph.

Active Applications

This panel in the Monthly or Weekly tab displays the trend of the number of deployed applications and their monthly or weekly growth. The graph’s Y-axis displays the number of deployed applications and their growth percentages, while the X-axis shows the calendar months or weeks accordingly.

New Applications of Selected Month or Week

This panel displays details of the newly added applications for a specific month or week, along with the Created Date, First Deployed Date, Last Deployed Date, Last Deployed Version, Last Deployed Environment, Deployment Count, and Number of Failed Deployments. You can select an individual application to view the associated deployment details. The Applications on-boarding Trend panel drives the data in this panel.

Deployment Task Details of Selected Application

This panel in the Monthly and Weekly tab provides the deployment task-related details such as the Deployment Number, Description, Type, Environment, Environment Stage, Package, Started On, Completed On, and Number of Retries associated with the selected application. The New Applications of Selected Month or Week panel drives the data in this panel.

Applications More Than 1 Deployment

Applications More Than 1 Deployment KPI displays the number of applications associated with multiple deployments in any environment. Following are the steps to view detailed information in the Monthly and Weekly Panels:

  1. Click Applications More Than 1 Deployment from KPIs.
  2. Click the Monthly or Weekly panel to load the corresponding data in the panel.

Applications on-boarding Trend

This panel in the Monthly or Weekly tab displays the trend of new applications with more than one deployment compared to the cumulative count of applications with more than one deployment. The X-axis represents the calendar month or week, and the Y-axis represents the count of new and cumulative applications with more than one deployment. You can drill down to a specific month’s or week’s data by selecting the required month or week from the graph.

Active Applications Deployed More Than Once

This panel in the Monthly or Weekly tab provides the trend of the applications associated with more than one deployment irrespective of the environment and their monthly or weekly growth. The graph’s Y-axis displays the number of applications deployed more than once and their growth percentages, while the X-axis shows the calendar months or weeks accordingly.

New Applications > 1 Deployment to any Environment of Selected Month or Week

The panel displays details of the newly added applications with more than one deployment irrespective of the environment for a specific month or week. Additionally, this panel provides details of the Application Name, Created Date, First and Last Deployment Date, Last Deployed Version, Deployment Count, Number of Failed Deployments, and Average Number of Deployment Retries associated with the newly added applications in the Monthly or Weekly panel respectively. You can select an individual application to view the associated deployment details. The Applications on-boarding Trend panel drives the data in this panel.

Deployment Task Details of Selected Application

Details of Selected Application panel in the Monthly and Weekly panel provides deployment task-related details such as the Deployment Number, Description, Type, Package, Environment, Deployment Status, Average Deployment Time (Hours), and Average Number of Deployment Retries associated with the selected application. The New Applications > 1 Deployment to any Environment of Selected Month or Week panel drives the data in this panel. The Deployment Task

Applications More Than 2 Environments

Applications More Than 2 Environments KPI displays the number of applications deployed in more than two different environment types. Following are the steps to view detailed information in the Monthly and Weekly Panels:

  1. Click Applications More Than 2 Environments from KPIs.
  2. Click the Monthly or Weekly panel to load the corresponding data in the panel.

Applications on-boarding Trend

This panel in the Monthly or Weekly panel shows the trend of new and cumulative counts of applications deployed in more than two environments. The X-axis represents the calendar month or week, and the Y-axis represents the count of new and cumulative applications deployed in more than two environments accordingly. You can drill down to a specific month’s or week’s data by selecting the required month or week from the graph.

Active Applications with Deployments in > 2 Environment

This panel in the Monthly or Weekly panel displays the trend of the applications deployed in more than two environments and their monthly or weekly growth. The graph’s Y-axis shows the number of applications deployed in more than two environments and their growth percentages, while the X-axis shows the calendar months or weeks accordingly.

New Applications with Deployments in > 2 Environment of Selected Month or Week

This panel displays details of the newly added application deployed in more than two environments for a specific month or week. Additionally, this panel provides details of the Application Name, Created Date, Last Deployed Version, Last Deployed Environment, Deployment Count, Number of Failed Deployments, and Average Number of Deployment Retries. You can select an individual application to view the associated deployment details. The Applications on-boarding Trend panel drives the data in this panel.

Deployment Task Details of Selected Application

This panel in the Monthly and Weekly panels provides deployment task-related details such as the Deployment Number, Description, Type, Package, Environment, Status, Average Deployment Time (Hours), and Number of Retries associated with the selected application. The New Applications with Deployments > 2 Environment of Selected Month or Week panel drives the data in this panel.

Applications where Deployment Failure Rate More Than Ideal

This KPI displays the count of applications where the deployment failure rate is more than the average failure rate. The ideal failure value is set to 0.05 by default, and you can configure the property based on your requirements. Following are the steps to view detailed information in the Monthly and Weekly Panels:

  1. Click Applications where Deployment Failure Rate More Than Ideal.
  2. Click the Monthly or Weekly panel to load the corresponding data in the panel.

Applications on-boarding Trend

This panel in the Monthly or Weekly panel shows the trend of application counts where the deployment failure rate is more than ideal. The X-axis represents the calendar month or week, and the Y-axis represents the count of applications where the deployment failure rate is more than ideal accordingly. You can drill down to a specific month’s or week’s data by selecting the required month or week from the graph.

Active Applications where Deployment Failure > Ideal

This panel in the Monthly or Weekly panel provides the monthly or weekly trend of the applications with deployment failure rate greater than expected and their monthly or weekly growth rate. The graph’s Y-axis displays the application count and their growth percentages, while the X-axis shows the calendar months or weeks accordingly.

Applications where Deployment Failure > Ideal of Selected Month or Week

This panel displays details of the newly added applications with deployment failure greater than the ideal value for a specific month or week. Additionally, this panel provides details of the Application Name, Created Date, First and Last Deployment Date, Last Deployed Version, Last Deployed Environment, Deployment Count, % Failed Deployments, and Number of Failed Deployments. You can select an individual application to view the associated deployment details. The Applications on-boarding Trend panel drives the data in this panel.

Deployment Task Details of Selected Application

The Deployment Task Details of Selected Application panel in the Monthly and Weekly panels provides deployment task-related details such as the Deployment Number, Description, Type, Package, Environment, Status, Average Deployment Time (Hours), and Number of Retries associated with the selected application. The Applications where Deployment Failure > Ideal of Selected Month or Week panel drives the data in this panel. Objects used in this dashboard The following tables list all the attributes and metrics used to build the reports in this dashboard.

Objects used in this dashboard

The following tables list all the attributes used to build the reports in this dashboard.


Attribute NameDescription
Application Created DateDate when the change request was created
Application NameName of the application
Calendar MonthDeployment Gregorian calendar month displayed in the format ‘Mon YYYY’
Calendar WeekDeployment Gregorian calendar week displaying the week number. For example, W21, W22
DeploymentUnique identifier for the deployment
Deployment Completed DateDate on which the deployment was completed
Deployment Start DateThe date on which the deployment task is supposed to start
Deployment StatusCurrent status of the deployment
Deployment TypeType of deployment that is being carried out
Environment NameName of the environment under the release definition in which the deployment was carried out
First Deployment DateFirst date of the application deployed
Last Deployed EnvironmentLast deployed environment of the application
Last Deployed VersionLast deployed version of the application
Last Deployment DateLast date of the application deployed
Package NameName of the deployment package


Metric NameDescription
% Failed DeploymentsPercentage of deployments that failed or yielded number results
Avg Deployment RetriesAverage number of times a deployment failed and triggered again
Avg Deployment Time (Hours)Average time of deployments in hours
No of ApplicationsCount of applications from deployments
No of Applications > 1 Deployments in MonthNumber of applications where it was deployed to more than one
No of Applications > 2 Deployed Environment in WeekNumber of applications where it was deployed to more than two environments at week level compared to last week
No of Applications Failure Rate > Ideal in WeekCount of applications where deployment failure rate is more than a defined acceptable target failure rate
No of Cumulative ApplicationsCount of cumulative applications
No of Cumulative Applications > 1 Deployments in MonthNumber of cumulative applications more than one deployment in month
No of Cumulative Applications > 2 Deployed Environment in WeekNumber of new applications more than two deployed environment in week
No of Deployment RetriesAverage number of times a deployment failed and triggered again
No of DeploymentsNumber of deployments attempted for a particular release
No of Failed DeploymentsThis is the count of deployments where status is Failed
No of New ApplicationsCount of new applications
No of Applications > 1 Deployments in MonthNumber of applications where it was deployed to more than one environment at month level compared to previous month
No of Applications > 2 Deployed Environment in WeekTNumber of applications where it was deployed to more than two environments at week level