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Version: Deploy 23.3

This topic provides instructions on how to set up and run a standalone Deploy server using Docker.

If you want to run a single node instance of Deploy using Docker follow this steps.

Single node Deploy deployment

Docker run

Note: From Deploy 10.3, Docker images support only CentOS.

You can run the official XLD docker images using the docker run command as follows:

docker run -d  \
-p 4516:4516 \
--name xl-deploy xebialabs/xl-deploy:23.1.0

This will start the Deploy container and print out the container ID, you can also find running containers using the docker ps command. You can pass more environment variables to the command using -e flags.

You can stream the logs from the container using docker logs -f <container id>.


In our example we are mounting configurations and hotfix from local volumes.

docker run -d  \
-p 4516:4516 \
-v ~/XebiaLabs/xl-deploy-server/conf:/opt/xebialabs/xl-deploy-server/conf \
-v ~/XebiaLabs/xl-deploy-server/hotfix/lib:/opt/xebialabs/xl-deploy-server/hotfix/lib \
-v ~/XebiaLabs/xl-deploy-server/hotfix/plugins:/opt/xebialabs/xl-deploy-server/hotfix/plugins \
--name xl-deploy xebialabs/xl-deploy:23.1.0

Once the containers have started, you can access them at http://localhost:4516/, you might want to wait for a minute for the service to be up and running.

Docker compose

You can also use a docker-compose file to run XLD containers, as shown in the example below:

version: "2"
image: xebialabs/xl-deploy:23.1.0
container_name: xl-deploy
- "4516:4516"
- xld:/opt/xebialabs/xl-deploy-server

Save the above content to a file named docker-compose.yaml in a folder and run docker-compose up -d from the same folder.

If you use a different file name, then run docker-compose -f <filename.yaml> up -d

Once the containers have started, you can access them at http://localhost:4516/, you might want to wait for a minute for the service to be up and running.