๐๏ธ Store Credentials
This topic describes how to define one or more sets of credentials in the Configuration section of the CI Library for use with source artifacts. Admin global permissions are required to define these credentials. Once defined, you can use them to provide a username and password for any HTTP URL that requires authentication.
๐๏ธ Store Shared Host Credentials
This topic describes how to manage credentials for multiple remote hosts that share the same authentication details. To simplify credential management, you can configure a single CI to define shared credentials for any remote host requiring authentication. When defining an overthere host connection, you can then select the shared credentials CI.
๐๏ธ Manage Secrets Using CyberArk Conjur
This topic provides information about integrating Deploy with external secrets management tools for secure management of passwords, keys, certificates, and other secrets. While you can choose to manage sensitive key/value pairs for environment-specific information using internal encrypted dictionaries, Deploy also supports integration with the CyberArk Conjur secrets management tool to manage and inject secrets into Deploy. The API-based integration with Conjur enables you to define, manage, and use Conjur as an external data source for secret storage. This API will support future integrations with other secrets management tools.
๐๏ธ Manage Secrets Using HashiCorp Vault
This topic provides information about integrating Deploy with external secrets management tools for secure management of passwords, keys, certificates, and other secrets. While you can choose to manage sensitive key/value pairs for environment-specific information using internal encrypted dictionaries, Deploy also supports integration with the HashiCorp Vault secrets management tool to manage and inject secrets into Deploy. The API-based integration with Vault enables you to define, manage, and use Vault as an external data source for secret storage. This API will support future integrations with other secrets management tools.
๐๏ธ Managing secrets using AWS SecretsManager
Note: This plugin is supported from version 23.3 onwards.
๐๏ธ Manage secrets using Azure Keyvault
Your development organization may choose to integrate with an external secrets management tool to support the secure management of secrets. While you can choose to manage sensitive key/value pairs for environment-specific information using internal encrypted dictionaries. Deploy also supports integration with the Azure keyvault service to manage and inject secrets into Deploy. The API-based integration with Azure keyvault enables you to define, manage, and use keyvault as an external data source for secret storage.
๐๏ธ Manage Secrets Using the Simple Lookup Value Provider
This topic describes how to establish a simple lookup provider for secrets and password fields used with certain CIs. You can use the simple lookup provider to reference and resolve a key/value pair stored in Deploy (as opposed to an external secrets management tool such as HashiCorp Vault or CyberArk Conjur).
๐๏ธ Store Proxy Servers in Deploy
This article describes how to define one or more sets of proxy servers to be used with source artifacts in the Configuration section of the CI Library.
๐๏ธ Specify File Encoding on the Server
This topic describes the file.encoding system property, which defines the file encoding setting on the Deploy server. By default, it is set to UTF-8 to ensure compatibility with most systems.
๐๏ธ Update the Digital Certificate
This topic provides information on how to update the digital certificate.
๐๏ธ Store Encrypted Passwords in Deploy
This topic describes how Digital.ai Deploy provides a mechanism to automatically encrypt passwords, allowing you to reference them without storing third-party passwords in plain text in configuration files.
๐๏ธ Manage System Passwords
This topic describes how to change the encryption key password and the admin user's password in Deploy.
๐๏ธ HTTP CSRF Protection
This topic addresses Cross site request forgery(CSRF), which is a class of attack that forces an end user to execute unwanted actions on an application when the user is authenticated. The Digital.ai Deploy frontend uses endpoints protected with CSRF .
๐๏ธ Pendo Analytics and Guidance
This topic explores how to integrate Pendo Analytics and Guidance with Deploy.
๐๏ธ Security FAQs
What are the implications of deprecating TLS protocol versions 1.0 and 1.1?
๐๏ธ Property Placeholder
How to use property placeholders in JavaScript files for specific projects without affecting others?