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Version: Deploy 23.3

Google Cloud Compute Plugin

The Deploy Google Cloud Compute plugin allows you to deploy the Deploy instance on the Google Cloud platform.


  • Deploy 10.3 or later releases
  • Google Cloud Platform infrastructure

Build the Plugin

To build the plugin, run the following command:

./gradlew clean build

After the build is successful, a *.xldp file containing the plugin is generated under the build/distributions folder.

Installing the Plugin

To install the plugin on Deploy:

  1. Download the latest JAR file from the Distribution site.
  2. Copy the plugin file to XL_DEPLOY_SERVER/plugins/xld-official directory.
  3. Restart the Deploy server.

Using the Google Compute Plugin

Before using the Google Compute plugin, you must configure the plugin properties on Deploy interface:

  1. From Explorer, click Infrastructure > New > Directory > AccountCloud, and fill in the properties.
    Note Alternatively, you can use the Import from JSON task from Monitoring > Deployment Tasks and configure google.AccountCloud.
  2. Click Monitoring > Deployment Tasks and select the Check Connection to validate the parameters.
  3. Right-click Environments > New > Environment and create an environment.
  4. In the Containers field, enter google.AccountCloud to add the container.

Generate IAM Token

The Google Cloud Compute plugin supports Generate IAM Token Configurations.

To Generate IAM Token:

  1. Click Explorer, hover over Configuration, Click Explorer action menu and select New > gcp > GenerateToken to create a new gcp.GenerateToken. image
  2. Fill in the required properties. image
  3. Click Save.
  4. Goto GenerateTokenSample and select Generate IAM Token to execute and populate the Token Value in the gcp.GenerateToken. image
  5. Click Execute to generate the Token. image
  6. Double Click GenerateTokenSample to view the generated Token in API Token field.
  7. Use the Token Value in Service Account Token Gcp Credentials ID field.
  8. In case the Generated Token needs to update credentials.gcp.ServiceAccountTokenGcpCredentials apiToken field, specify the Service Account Token GCP Credential ID to update apiToken field on Token Generation. image

Scheduling Generation of IAM Token

To Schedule the Generation of IAM Token:

  1. Hover over Configuration Click Explorer action menu and select New > schedule > ControlTaskJob to create a new schedule.ControlTaskJob. image
  2. Enter the Configuration item Id of the Api token Generation in the Configuration item Id field and the generateToken in the Control Task name field. image
  3. Click Save.
  4. The ApiToken Generates automatically as per the Crontab schedule.