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Version: Deploy 23.1

Use the Deploy Docker images

This topic provides information about the Docker image for Deploy, which behaves similarly to the existing installation ZIP. This ensures that the existing setup, upgrade, and operations procedures remain valid.

The directory /opt/xebialabs/xl-deploy-server contains an extracted installation setup, augmented with a number of directories that are described in Docker images for Deploy.

To download a docker image for Deploy, go to Deploy Docker images.

Set up and start the Docker containers

There are multiple methods to set up and start the Docker image for Deploy.

For information about running the Deploy image using Docker Compose, see Running the Docker containers with Docker Compose.

Start containers with quick run commands


This setup method does not include persistence and must not be used in production environments.


When no volumes are defined, the container will maintain the state between stopping and starting.

  1. Run the Deploy container with the following command:

    $ docker run -d -p 4516:4516 --name xld xebialabs/xl-deploy:10.2

Deploy will run on http://localhost:4516. You can log in with username: admin and password: admin.

You must provide a valid license before you can log in. Browse to the above URL and paste the license to the product. If you do not have a license yet, apply for an Deploy trial license on the XebiaLabs web site.

Secure container setup using a generated password

You can make the setup more secure and start with a generated admin password instead of the default password. Including the Deploy container in an automated test or use case that depends on using a known admin password is not recommended.

If the environment variable ADMIN_PASSWORD is not set and you are starting up for the first time, the container will generate a random password and print it in the logs.

To trigger this behavior, remove the ADMIN_PASSWORD from the Docker run command:

$ docker run -d -p 4516:4516 --name xld xebialabs/xl-deploy:10.2

The generated password is printed when the container starts up and can be found at the top of the log file. You can view the logs using the following command:

$ docker logs xld

Search for the following line:

... Generating admin password: [PASSWORD IS PRINTED HERE]

Stopping and removing containers

To stop the containers, use the following commands:

$ docker stop xld

The state of the application is saved in the containers. They can be started again using this command:

$ docker start xld

You can also remove the containers completely:

$ docker rm xld


This will result in a blank slate. When you run the container again with the simple run command, the database will be empty, you will receive a new admin password, and the license must be entered again.

Deploy setup for production using persistent volumes


In production setups, volumes must be defined and Deploy must be configured to store its state in an external database.

The previous two set-ups do not persist the configuration, repository, and archive data across container runs.

for more information about the Deploy image, persistence configuration, and examples, see Docker images for Deploy.

To ensure persistence when reconfiguring, volumes must be mounted at the conf, repository, and archive mount points:

        docker run -d -p 4516:4516 \
-v ${HOME}/XebiaLabs/xl-deploy-docker/conf:/opt/xebialabs/xl-deploy-server/conf:rw \
-v ${HOME}/XebiaLabs/xl-deploy-docker/repository:/opt/xebialabs/xl-deploy-server/repository:rw \
-v ${HOME}/XebiaLabs/xl-deploy-docker/archive:/opt/xebialabs/xl-deploy-server/archive:rw \
--name xld xebialabsearlyaccess/xl-deploy:10.2