๐๏ธ Deploy Configuration Files
This topic describes the Deploy configuration files that can be found in the XLDEPLOYSERVER_HOME/centralConfigurationdirectory.
๐๏ธ Configure the Database and Artifacts Repository
This topic covers the storage options in Deploy, which uses a database to store all data, including configuration items (CIs), deployment packages, logging, and more. Deploy can use either the filesystem or a database for storing binary artifacts (deployment packages), CIs, and CI history.
๐๏ธ Separate Databases for Reporting and Repository in Deploy
This article explains, how to use separate database schemas and separate databases for reporting and repository.
๐๏ธ Trial Install
This topic describes how to install a trial version of Deploy.
๐๏ธ Basic Install
This topic describes how to perform a basic installation of Deploy - either a simple setup with the default configuration, or a manual setup in which you can choose specific options. If you are installing Deploy in a production-ready environment that includes options like a separate, clustered database server, load balancing for your Deploy servers, an active/hot-standby cluster configuration for your Deploy servers, and other security, monitoring, and performance considerations, see Production install.
๐๏ธ Production Environment Installation
This topic is a step-by-step guide on how to set up Deploy in a production-ready environment. It describes how to configure the product, environment, and server resources to get the most out of the product. This topic is structured in three sections:
๐๏ธ Unattended Installation
You can perform an unattended install of the Deploy server, for example, using Puppet.
๐๏ธ High Availability With Master-worker Setup
This topic explains how Deploy's task execution engine manages deployment and control tasks.
๐๏ธ Set up an Active/Hot-standby Cluster
This topic covers the high availability (HA) configuration in Deploy. To support high availability (HA), you can configure Deploy in clustered active/hot-standby mode. In this mode, only one Deploy node is active at one time, while the hot standby node is ready to become active if needed.
๐๏ธ Set up an Active-Active Cluster
This topic describes how to set up an active-active cluster for Deploy with multiple master and multiple external workers.
๐๏ธ Setup ActiveMQ Artemis HA With UDP
This topic outlines the procedure to setup Active Messaging Queue (MQ) Artemis in a highly available configuration with UDP protocol. It also describes how Digital.ai Deploy can be connected to Artemis nodes.
๐๏ธ Setup ActiveMQ Artemis HA With TCP
This article provides information on how to create an Artemis cluster (JMS 2.0) and integrate it with Deploy.
๐๏ธ Back up Deploy
This topic provides information about how to backup Deploy server.
๐๏ธ Upgrade Deploy 10.1.x or Later to Current
This topic describes the prerequisites, considerations and process for upgrading Deploy from version 10.1 or later to the current version.
๐๏ธ Migrate Deploy Data Storage to an SQL Database
When you upgrade to Deploy 8.0.x from an earlier version, the data stored in Deploy must be converted from the JackRabbit (JCR) format to SQL format.