Appium OSS Supported Commands
SeeTest Client Commands
Command | Documentation | Supported OS | Comments |
installApp | Install | iOS Android | Installs the application with the given package name or bundle ID:driver.installApp("cloud:com.experitest.ExperiBank/.LoginActivity") Installs the application with given unique name: driver.installApp("cloud:unqiueName=app_unique_name") Installs the application with given release version or build version or both: driver.installApp("cloud:com.experitest.ExperiBank/.LoginActivity:releaseVersion=1.0") driver.installApp("cloud:com.experitest.ExperiBank/.LoginActivity:buildVersion=1234") driver.installApp("cloud:com.experitest.ExperiBank/.LoginActivity:releaseVersion=1.0:buildVersion=1234") * If several matching applications are found, the latest uploaded application is installed. * The application is installed in non-instrumented mode (instrument=false). Android only: keepData: If true, this upgrades the existing application installed without losing its data. By default this false. driver.installApp("cloud:com.experitest.ExperiBank/.LoginActivity:keepData=true") |
report | Report | iOS Android | Adds a step to the generated report.//adds a passed step with message step should be passed driver.executeScript("", "step should be passed", "true"); //adds a failed step with the message step should be failed driver.executeScript("", "step should be failed","false"); |
launchWithOptions | Launch with Options | iOS Android | Example for iOS:JsonObject launchOptions = new JsonObject(); launchOptions.addProperty("relaunch", true); // Create ENV vars JSON Object to pass to the application so it will run in DEBUG with a secret key JsonObject envVars = new JsonObject(); envVars.addProperty("secret_key", "DFSF5343543CAA"); envVars.addProperty("DEBUG", true); launchOptions.add("launch_env",envVars); driver.executeScript("seetest:client.launch", bundelId, launchOptions.toString()); Example for Android, instrumented launch: // Library that was used to build JsonObject: // implementation group: '', name: 'gson', version: '2.10.1' JsonObject launchOptions = new JsonObject(); launchOptions.addProperty("relaunch", true); launchOptions.addProperty("instrumented", true); String appActivity = "com.experitest.ExperiBank/.LoginActivity"; driver.executeScript("seetest:client.launch", appActivity, launchOptions.toString()); Example for Android , passing multiple options: // Library that was used to build JsonObject: <br/><br/>JsonObject launchOptions = new JsonObject(); <br/><br/>launchOptions.addProperty("-D", ""); <br/><br/>launchOptions.addProperty("--es", "environment UAT_4_DIGITAL"); <br/><br/> <br/><br/>JsonArray multipleArgs = new JsonArray(); <br/><br/>multipleArgs.add("enableWebviewDebug true"); <br/><br/>multipleArgs.add("showOAuth true"); <br/><br/>launchOptions.add("--ez", multipleArgs); <br/><br/> <br/><br/>String appActivity = "com.usb.environmentselector/com.usb.settings.view.MainActivity"; <br/><br/>driver.executeScript("seetest:client.launch", appActivity, launchOptions.toString());<br/><br/> |
launch (iOS Settings URLs) | Launch | iOS | JsonObject launchOptions = new JsonObject(); driver.executeScript("seetest:client.launch", "", launchOptions.toString()); |
setAuthenticationReply | SetAuthenticationReply(Reply, Delay) - TouchID | iOS Android | driver.executeScript("seetest:client.setAuthenticationReply", "AUTHENTICATION_SUCCEEDED", "10000"); |
simulateCapture | SimulateCapture | iOS Android | // Simulates a capture. It works only with a URL, not local files driver.executeScript("seetest:client.simulateCapture", "<FILE_URL>"); // or files uploaded to the cloud through file repository driver.executeScript("seetest:client.simulateCapture", "cloud:<FILE_UNIQUE_NAME>"); |
startPerformanceTransaction | StartPerformanceTransaction | iOS Android | Starts a performance transaction.driver.executeScript("seetest:client.startPerformanceTransaction", "Monitor"); Youn need to use endPerformanceTransaction at the end. |
startPerformanceTransactionForApplication | StartPerformanceTransactionForApplication | iOS Android | Starts a performance transaction.driver.executeScript("seetest:client.startPerformanceTransactionForApplication", "com.experitest.ExperiBank", "Monitor"); You need to use endPerformanceTransaction at the end. |
endPerformanceTransaction | EndPerformanceTransaction | iOS Android | driver.executeScript("seetest:client.endPerformanceTransaction", "<Report_Name>"); |
sendKeysWithBT | SendKeysWithBT | iOS Android | driver.executeScript("seetest:client.sendKeysWithBT", "" + Keys.CONTROL+ Keys.ALT + "I"); |
HybridClearCache | HybridClearCache | iOS Android | Clears the browser's cache. To continue with the test in the browser, use driver.context to set the context back to the web. Usage: driver.executeScript("seetest:client.hybridClearCache()"); |
startStepsGroup | Report Grouping Commands | iOS Android | driver.executeScript("seetest:client.startStepsGroup", "<Group_Name">); |
stopStepsGroup | Report Grouping Commands | iOS Android | driver.executeScript("seetest:client.stopStepsGroup"); |
setNetworkConnection | setNetworkConnection | Android | driver.executeScript("seetest:client.setNetworkConnection", "<MODE>", true); |
getNetworkConnection | GetNetworkConnection | Android | Gets the network connection for a device. It executes any of these modes: * airplane_mode * wifi * mobile_data * bluetooth Returns true if the chosen mode is set to On in the device. driver.executeScript("seetest:client.getNetworkConnection", "<MODE>"); |
addTestProperty | AddTestProperty | iOS Android | driver.executeScript("seetest:client.addTestProperty", "<propertyName>", "<propertyValue>"); |
setLocationPlaybackFile | SetLocation | iOS Android | Changes the device location according to a series of location points provided by the Csv file in order to mimic the behavior of a location movement. * LocationProvider argument is optional, Default value is GPS. * When using this command, you need to set newCommandTimeout (Timeout Capabilities) capability with a bigger value than the command waiting time (that is set by the WaitForSetLocationEnd command).driver.executeScript("seetest:client.setLocationPlaybackFile", "cloud:LocationCsvFile", delay, "LocationProvider"); |
waitForSetLocationEnd | waitForSetLocationToEnd | iOS Android | Specifies the waiting time for setLocationPlaybackFile .driver.executeScript("seetest:client.waitForSetLocationEnd", 5000); |
setPasscode | SeeTest Client - setPasscode | iOS | Sets the device passcode. The passcode is defined by the Cloud administrator. Therefore, the command does not take any parameters. driver.executeScript("seetest:client.setPasscode"); |
clearPasscode | SeeTest Client - clearPasscode | iOS | Clear the passcode from the device. If it fails, it throws an exception. driver.executeScript("seetest:client.clearPasscode"); |
setNetworkConditions | SeeTest Client - setNetworkConditions | iOS Android | Select the profile configured on the Network Virtualization server to test the device under the different network conditions.driver.executeScript("seetest:client.setNetworkConditions", "Monitor", 60000); |
clearLocation | SeeTest Client - ClearLocation | iOS Android | Clear the device’s location services.driver.executeScript("seetest:client.clearLocation"); |
stopLocationPlayback | SeeTest Client - stopLocationPlayback | iOS Android | Use this command to search for any active setLocation task on the device and stop it. driver.executeScript("seetest:client.stopLocationPlayback"); |
activateVoiceAssistance | SeeTest Client - ActivateVoiceAssistance | iOS Android | Use this command to activate the voice assistant service on the device (for example, Siri or Google Assistant). It sends the text parameter as if it is a spoken directive.driver.executeScript("seetest:client.activateVoiceAssistance", "open google"); |
setGroupStatus | Report Grouping Commands | iOS Android | driver.executeScript("seetest:client.setGroupStatus", "<Status>"); |
applicationClearData | ApplicationClearData | iOS Android | Use this command to clear the entire application data and cache from the device it is installed on during runtime.driver.executeScript("seetest:client.applicationClearData","com.experitest.ExperiBank/.LoginActivity"); |
For more supported Continuous Testing Cloud commands for Appium OSS, see Using The File Repository .