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Additional Configurations for Tunneling Client

The client provides optional flags to use a web proxy, and to display its own version or help text.

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The access key that you provide when connecting a tunneling client identifies you (the user) and the project you are logged into. If a new client connects with the same key while an old one is connected, the old client disconnects after displaying an informative message to the console.

When the client is running, it may write diagnostic messages to the log file, located in the same folder from which it was run.  The log file is named per session, with the process ID as part of the file name (eg, network-tunnel_12718.log).

Use the Client With a Self-Signed Certificate

If the Cloud server is configured for Secure mode and is using a self-signed certificate, you may need to add the following 2 arguments to the invocation of the client:

network-tunnel ....(other flags) ... --istp.config-srv-client-verify-cert path-to-cert.pem --tun.client-verify-cert  <path_to_custom_certificate>

Using the Client With an Untrusted Cloud Certificate

If you use a custom certificate for your cloud server, which is not trusted by the operating system on your Windows or macOS machine, the tunneling client does not connect to the cloud, and you see a warning similar to this:

To resolve this, add --no-verify-server-ssl-cert to the tunneling client command line.  This causes the client to trust any certificate.