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Version: 2024.3.27

Device Details

When you view details about a user, the Details page displays a Devices table that lists all the devices on which the user has run the App Catalog. When you select a device in the Devices table, the Device Details page appears for that device. The Device Details page lists details about the device, such as its name and type. It also lists all applications that can be installed onto the device through App Management, and lets you clear data from applications that have the Data Wipe policy applied to them.

The following example shows the Devices table for a user who has logged in to the App Catalog on an iPhone. Clicking the row for the iPhone in the Devices table displays the Device Details page for that device.

Devices Table

The Device table lists the following information about each device:

TypeThe type of device.
ModelThe "model" name for the device as provided by the device manufacturer.
Device IDA unique identifier stored in the database to associate a user with an App Catalog on a particular mobile device.

Note the following:

- A device ID is not assigned to a device until the user logs in to the App Catalog on the device. That is, if a user has installed a native App Catalog but not yet logged in, the device will not be listed in the Devices table.
- When a user logs in to a web App Catalog, a separate device ID is assigned to the web App Catalog for each type of physical device on which the user runs it. Because a user can run both a native App Catalog and a web App Catalog on the same physical device, there is not always a one-to-one correlation between device IDs and physical devices. 
- If a device is wiped or reset and a native App Catalog is later re-installed on the device, a new device ID will be assigned for that App Catalog. Therefore, it is possible to have multiple device IDs associated with a native App Catalog on the same physical device.
NameThe name of the device as listed in the device's Settings.
StatusThe status of the device: Enabled or Disabled.

If a user's device is disabled, all users associated with that device in a single organization are blocked from logging in to the App Catalog on that device. Users are also blocked from running apps on the disabled device that uses policies which require the user to authenticate; this includes the Enterprise SSO policy and the Self Updating App policy (when there is an update available). 

A device can be disabled two ways:

- Manually by clicking Disable in this column. For instructions, see Disable or Enable a Device.
- Automatically by the system. This occurs when the device is noncompliant. App Management considers a device to be noncompliant if a mandatory update is not installed within the configured grace period. For more information on mandatory updates and grace periods, see Managing Application Updates.

Note that the user Status field above the Devices table indicates the current Enabled/Disabled status of the user. If a user's device is pending noncompliance, the status indicates when the grace period will end.
Created DateThe date that the device ID was assigned by App Management and added to the database; this occurs when a user first logs in to the App Catalog on the device.
Last Active DateThe date when the user last interacted with App Management from the device. Interaction includes any type of communication between the device and App Management. For example: logging in or out of the app catalog, listing apps in the app catalog, authenticating to open an with the Enterprise SSO policy, and updating an app.

The Last Active Date information can help you identify devices that are no longer being used.
ActionsFrom this column, you can perform the following actions:

- Disable/Enable the device. Disabling a device blocks all users associated with that device in a single organization from logging in to the App Catalog on that device. Users are also blocked from running apps on the disabled device that use policies that require the user to authenticate with App Management. For more information, see Disable or Enable a Device.
- Remove the device.  When you remove a device, it removes the association in App Management between the user and that device. This is useful for cleaning up data when a user no longer uses a device, or when you transfer a device from one user to another. For more information, see Disassociate a Device from a User.

Device Details Page

When you click on a device in the Devices table, it displays the Device Details page for that device. The Device Details page provides information about the device and the applications installed on the device. The following figure shows an example Device Details page for an iOS device.

See the table below for a description of the fields and buttons in each main section of the Device Details page:

General Information and Device Status
- User: The user of the device.
- Name: The name of the device as defined in the device's Settings.
- OS Version: The version of the operating system installed on the device.
- Supervised: (iOS only) Disregard this field; it is associated with a feature that is no longer available.
- Device ID: The unique ID assigned by App Management to the device.
- Jailbroken/Rooted: Indicates whether the device has been compromised by jailbreaking (on iOS devices) or rooting (on Android devices).
- Status: Indicates whether the device is enabled/disabled. A user cannot log in to the App Catalog on a disabled device.
Application-Level Command
The Clear Data button is enabled if you select an app with the Data Wipe policy applied. Use it to remove all user data from the selected application. For more information, see Delete Application Data from a Device.
Applications List
This section lists all the applications that the user can install through App Management on to that device. On Android, the list includes native applications only. On iOS and Windows this list also includes public apps.
The following information appears for each app:

- Data Status: If the application has the Data Wipe policy applied, this column lists the status of a Clear Data task.

- Status: Lists the date when an application was installed or deleted. If an application is not installed on the device, the status is listed as "Available - Not Installed."