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Version: 2024.3.27

Edit a User

From the Users page, you can use the Edit function to:

  • Edit the user's first and last name, email address, and phone number.
  • Change the user's role. Note, only an Administrator can edit other users with the Administrator role. For more information on roles, see Roles.
  • Modify the groups to which the user belongs.
  • Change the user's password. For more information on changing a user's password, see Reset a User Password.
  • Request that the system resend an invitation to the user. This will give the user the link to the App Catalog, and also allow the user to change his/her password. For instructions on resending an invitation, see Resend an Invitation or App Catalog Link.

You cannot modify User ID.

When you edit your own user profile, you cannot modify group membership. To modify the group membership of your own account, use the Groups page. For more information, see Edit a Group.


In earlier releases, the Email Address field was required for all users, and there was no User ID field. If a user account was added to App Management before User ID was required, then Email Address is used for both the User ID and Email Address of the account.

To edit a user's profile

  1. On the Admin Portal navigation bar, click Users.

  2. Navigate to the row for the user you want to edit. Use the Search field to quickly find a specific user.  You can search the First Name, Last Name, Phone, User ID, Email, and Custom Metadata fields. Refer to the table below for search guidelines:

To search this column...Enter...
First NameA case-insensitive string to return a list of users with the specified text string anywhere in their name or phone number. For example, if you type the string Dav into the search field, the list returned will include all users who have the letters Dav (upper or lowercase) anywhere in their first or last name.

Search First Name or Last Name columns separately; you cannot search for a full name.
Last Name
User IDA case-insensitive, full user ID or email. You cannot search for a partial string in these fields because the data is encrypted in the database. The search returns exact matches only.
Custom Metadata


field_name is case-sensitive and must be the full name of the custom metadata field, not the labelstring is not case-sensitive. If you leave string blank, no results are returned.

For example: To search the department field for users in the NortheastSales and WorldwideSales departments, enter departments:sales.
  1. In the Actions column for the user, click the Edit link to display the Edit User page.

  2. Modify information as necessary.

  3. (Optional) Select the Resend Invitation check box to resend an invitation to the user. You can only resend an invitation when an email address is specified in the Email Address field.

  4. Click OK to save your changes.