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Version: Early Access

Work Item Snapshot Monthly

The Work item snapshot monthly dataset provides a comprehensive monthly summary of work item statuses and metrics. This dataset is essential for tracking overall progress, identifying trends, and ensuring alignment with long-term project goals and timelines. It includes key metrics such as the number of work items created, completed, and in progress, along with their distribution across different categories and teams. By delivering a detailed and timely snapshot of work item trends, this dataset helps teams maintain productivity, address potential issues proactively, and ensure effective project management.

The following are the components of this dataset:

Attribute NameDescription
Calendar dateGregorian calendar date displayed in the format 'M/D/YYYY'
Calendar monthGregorian calendar month displayed in the format 'Mon YYYY'
Last refresh display dateDate of the most recent update or refresh of data in a dataset. It is in date, time, and time zone format.
Sys_sourceUnique identifier for the source
Work itemUnique identifier for the work item
Work item backlog groupBacklog group of the work item
Work item iterationIteration of the work item
Work item planning levelPlanning level of the work item
Work item portfolio itemPortfolio item of the work item
Work item priorityPriority of the work item
Work item stateCurrent state of the work item
Work item status sourceCurrent status of the source work item
Work item teamTeam of the work item
Work item typeType of the work item
Metric NameDescription
Completed story pointsThe total story points are completed at the end of each iteration
Completed work itemsThe total amount of work items at the end of each iteration
Detail estimate hoursSummation of all estimate points of the backlog item in the iteration
Open story pointsThe total number of story points associated with work items that are currently in an "Open" or "To Do" state within a project or planning level
Open work itemsThe total number of work items that are currently in an "Open" or "To Do" state within a project or planning level
To do hoursEstimated time required to complete pending tasks associated with a work item
Total story pointsSummation of story points associated with all work items within a planning level
Work item countCount of work items in an iteration