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Version: Early Access

Defect Snapshot Daily

The Defect snapshot daily dataset gathers daily information on system, product, or process issues. It logs the date of defect identification, defect type, severity, and current status. This dataset continuously records newly discovered or reported defects, enabling analysis for trend identification, issue prioritization, and tracking of corrective action effectiveness across time.


The data is filtered to include only the snapshot dates from the last 30 days.

The following are the components of this dataset:

Attribute NameDescription
Blocked by issue flagFlag of the blocked issue
Calendar dateGregorian calendar date displayed in the format 'M/D/YYYY'
Defect resolutionResolution of the defect
Defect typeType of the defect
Last refresh display dateDate of the most recent update or refresh of data in a dataset. It is in date, time, and time zone format.
Sys_sourceUnique identifier for the source
Work itemUnique identifier for the work item
Work item backlog groupBacklog group of the work item
Work item iterationIteration of the work item
Work item planning levelPlanning level of the work item
Work item portfolio itemPortfolio item of the work item
Work item priorityPriority of the work item
Work item stateCurrent state of the work item
Work item status sourceCurrent status of the source work item
Work item teamTeam of the work item

This dataset doesn't have any metrics.