Add a Custom Event Handler to Your TeamForge Site
An event handler is a program that watches for events on a TeamForge site and communicates them to another system. You can add your own event handlers to the set that are built into TeamForge.
An event handler is a program that watches for events on a TeamForge site and communicates them to another system. You can add your own event handlers to the set that are built into TeamForge.
TeamForge uses AngularJS to power some of its pages. AngularJS (a.k.a first version of Google's Angular framework).
Here are some examples to cover the basic AngularJS customization use cases.
You can customize TeamForge AngularJS pages using the APIs available.
You can create custom workflows in TeamForge using custom event handlers.
You can customize your reports by modifying the parameters in config.ini file. For example, some reports require a particular data source such as datamart and some require a particular license type such as ALM.
You can redesign some aspects of your site to suit your organization's needs and preferences.
TeamForge provides you with the interrelated extension features to suit your organization's specific needs.
These are some of the frequently asked questions on customizing the TeamForge site.
Some references to work with UI/AngularJS customizations.