Add Binaries to TeamForge Projects
When TeamForge Site Administrator has made the Binaries application available, Project Administrators can add it as one of their project tools.
When TeamForge Site Administrator has made the Binaries application available, Project Administrators can add it as one of their project tools.
When TeamForge Site Administrator has made the Review Board application available, Project Administrators can add it as one of their project tools.
When a user requests a source code repository on a source control server for which you have required approval, a TeamForge administrator must approve the request before the repository is created.
When a user asks for access to an unmanaged SCM server, an administrator must approve or reject the request.
SCM system maintenance requests (such as a repository delete request) must be approved (or rejected) by an administrator.
To help third party developers write integrated applications, CollabNet provides an SDK.
It is recommended to change the scmviewer password after installing TeamForge.
When a Subversion Edge server has been converted to a SCM Integration server in TeamForge, you can log into its management console from within TeamForge.
You can control all Gerrit Code Review features directly from TeamForge by specifying a code review policy.
This script creates an event, a publisher (with the Webhook URL), and a subscriber in TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker for a specified application.
You can move or reconfigure a source control server without having to reintegrate the server into TeamForge.
History protection archives rewritten changes and keeps backups of deleted branches. If history changes occur, an immutable backup `ref` is created in the remote repository, notification emails are sent to all members of the Gerrit Administrators group, and an event is logged in the audit log.
Once you have your Nexus server set up, install the TeamForge-Nexus integration plugin.
This page walks you through the installation procedure for TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker (WEBR).
Here's what it takes to install and run TeamForge and other integrations supported by TeamForge.
A site must have one or more servers to handle source code repositories and users. The source code server can be the same server as the application server or a separate server.
If your site's users need access to an application or web site that is not part of TeamForge, you can make it available by linking or integrating from within your TeamForge site.
You can make it easy for project members to use a wide variety of applications and sites from within TeamForge.
Post-submit webhooks lets you integrate TeamForge with other heterogeneous applications. Speaking of TeamForge trackers, post-submit webhooks are meant for publishing TeamForge tracker event messages (for example, artifact create or update event messages) to one or more subscriber applications such as Jira. The subscriber of the TeamForge post-submit events could be any application that supports webhooks.
WEBR Orchestration is a webhook integration capability that lets you integrate tools using orchestration scripts.
Here is some stuff you may need to know to work with integrated applications.
A replica server in TeamForge is a Subversion Edge server that replicates the content of an existing core SCM integration server.
When the existing code base for an application may need to be managed by a different team or project, you can move the source code repository from the first project into the other one.
Queue type events are provided within the TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker to support client server processing and http based load balancing. It provides a robust mechanism for invoking jobs asynchronously and receiving the response through callbacks.
The TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker v4 engine provides powerful scripting using JavaScript and custom JSON filtering capabilities that provide customization capability to products through webhooks.
On sites distributed across multiple geographic locations, Git Replica Servers are local and remote mirror servers that can provide up-to-date copies of the central repositories. If set up, Git Replica Servers can address load balancing and fetch performance issues. You can set up one or more Git Replica Servers (also referred to as slave or mirror servers) with TeamForge 8.1 and later.
Git Large File Storage (LFS) is a Git extension for versioning large files. Git LFS replaces large files such as audio samples, videos, datasets, and graphics with text pointers inside Git, while storing the file contents on a separate server (typically a remote server).
A SYNC event type within the TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker is called as a Pre-Submit event in TeamForge. Only one subscription is allowed for this event type.
Any time you upgrade your TeamForge site or a source control application, you must ensure that your users can still access their source code.
An important aspect of the end-to-end development lifecycle is the creation and storage of software packages that are often binary artifacts. In the Java world, these are usually reusable jars that are used by other projects. Binary artifact repository managers are software systems that manage, version, and store binary artifacts. Example of such repository manager is Sonatype Nexus.
TeamForge 20.3 brings you intuitive UIs for TeamForge WebConnect (also known as TeamForge WEBR). You can now use the UIs to accomplish tasks such as creating events, endpoints, subscriptions, and so on—which otherwise could be done only via APIs.
TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker is a webhook driven integration broker, delivered as a free technical microservice along with TeamForge. It is a replacement for the event brokering aspects of the now deprecated EventQ product.
The TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker related settings are discussed in this page.
TeamForge supports integration with Git, a distributed version control tool powered by Gerrit.
This topic discusses the mappings between TeamForge and Gerrit, Gerrit access rights, directory structure, connectivity, logs and configuration properties, and differences compared to vanilla Gerrit.
TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker supports TeamForge—Jenkins integration. Jenkins integration plugin is used to integrate TeamForge with Jenkins using TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker.
TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker supports TeamForge-JIRA integration. A new JIRA integration plugin version 1.2 is used to integrate TeamForge with JIRA using the TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker.
TeamForge's native Webhooks-based Event Broker replaces EventQ as the default event broker to support TeamForge integration with TestLink. EventQ-based TeamForge—Testlink integration is no longer supported.
A TOPIC event type within the TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker is called as a Post-Submit event in TeamForge. The message of this event type is delivered to all the subscription endpoints.