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Add Binaries to TeamForge Projects

When TeamForge Site Administrator has made the Binaries application available, Project Administrators can add it as one of their project tools.

Connect to a Subversion Edge Console

When a Subversion Edge server has been converted to a SCM Integration server in TeamForge, you can log into its management console from within TeamForge.

Customize TeamForge

You can redesign some aspects of your site to suit your organization's needs and preferences.

The script allows you to access the Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) scheduler and check the status of the jobs configured. The script also supports triggering jobs manually.

EventQ End of Life

EventQ is no longer supported and is completely removed from TeamForge starting from TeamForge 20.0. If you have been using EventQ on your site, you must consider a few things when you upgrade to TeamForge 20.0 or later.

Install Memcached

Memcached caches Subversion (SVN) authentication and authorization information and serves the mod_authnz_ctf module's authentication and authorization requests thereby reducing the number of SOAP calls, which in turn results in less load on the TeamForge Application Server.

Install Nexus

TeamForge supports only Nexus 3 integration. This page walks you through the installation procedure for Nexus 3 and upgrade procedure from Nexus 2 to Nexus 3.

Install Review Board

Install Review Board on your site before you can make it available as an integrated application to project managers on your TeamForge site.

Install TeamForge in a Distributed Setup

Distributed setup with TeamForge, Database (including Datamart), Review Board, SCM (Subversion and Git), Code Search and Baseline installed on separate servers.

Integrate a Source Code Server

A site must have one or more servers to handle source code repositories and users. The source code server can be the same server as the application server or a separate server.


This is the sample application-policy block that you can copy into your login-config.xml file to support LDAP authentication.

Manage Replicas

A replica server in TeamForge is a Subversion Edge server that replicates the content of an existing core SCM integration server.

Move a Source Code Repository

When the existing code base for an application may need to be managed by a different team or project, you can move the source code repository from the first project into the other one.


The pebble-app.xml file, also known as the Pebble application configuration file, contains the text that the Pebble application displays in the TeamForge user interface.


The pebble-dep.xml file, also known as the Pebble deployment configuration file, contains the data that Pebble needs to interact with the TeamForge site.

Project Templates - Install, Update, Enable and Disable

Provide sample projects to help users get started quickly. TeamForge comes with a sample template useful for agile development projects. Site administrators and project managers can use this template to jumpstart a project without a lot of manual setup steps.

Protect Integrations with SSL

If you have registered Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificates, your site's users can use SSL when they set up an SCM integration server. You can also enable SSL to encrypt the data traffic between TeamForge Application and Database servers.

The script restores the compressed data from the named source directory and deletes any existing data. By default, the TeamForge and the reporting database are backed up to the destination directory. If reporting is disabled, only the TeamForge database is backed up.

Set up Git Replica Servers

On sites distributed across multiple geographic locations, Git Replica Servers are local and remote mirror servers that can provide up-to-date copies of the central repositories. If set up, Git Replica Servers can address load balancing and fetch performance issues. You can set up one or more Git Replica Servers (also referred to as slave or mirror servers) with TeamForge 8.1 and later.

Set up SELinux

If SELinux is active on the server that runs your TeamForge site, configure it to allow the services that TeamForge requires.

TeamForge Binary Integration Overview

An important aspect of the end-to-end development lifecycle is the creation and storage of software packages that are often binary artifacts. In the Java world, these are usually reusable jars that are used by other projects. Binary artifact repository managers are software systems that manage, version, and store binary artifacts. Example of such repository manager is Sonatype Nexus.

TeamForge Load Balancing Setup

Installing TeamForge in a Load Balancing setup ensures distribution of processing load between multiple servers. The HAProxy Server hosts the HAProxy services that are required for the load balancing function.

TeamForge Services and Domain Configuration Tokens

Use the host:SERVICES and the host:PUBLIC_FQDN tokens to define the services and domain names of your TeamForge site respectively. You can also have unique service-specific FQDNs for services such as Subversion, Git, mail, Codesearch and so on.

The Script

Use the script to deploy and undeploy services, start and stop services, verify the status of services, verify the application environment, bootstrap or migrate data, back up and restore data and do much more.