๐๏ธ Conjur Plugin
This document describes the functionality provided by the xlr-conjur-integration. This plugin provides the ability to populate a release variable with secret retrieved from a Conjur server. The release variable can then be used by subsequent tasks in the release.
๐๏ธ Conjur Connection Plugin
Configuring Conjur Connection plugin allows you to store secrets an external provider and retrieve them at runtime when during a release execution. The CyberArk Conjur plugin is used to retrieve secrets from a CyberArk Conjur server.
๐๏ธ Hashicorp Vault Plugin
This topic covers the HashiCorp Vault Plugin for Release, which integrates Vault for secure secret management within release pipelines.
๐๏ธ Checkmarx Plugin
With the Digital.ai Release Checkmarx plugin, you can trigger scans in Checkmarx for your application, verify scan results, and check compliance directly from the Digital.ai Release user interface.
๐๏ธ Black Duck Plugin
The plugin provides summary tiles for the Black Duck Hub that displays the counts of each component with various risks and severities.
๐๏ธ Fortify SSC Plugin
This topic covers the Fortify SSC Plugin for Release.
๐๏ธ Fortify on Demand Plugin
With the Release Fortify on Demand plugin, you can check your application compliance rating in Fortify on Demand, directly from the Release user interface.
๐๏ธ Vault Connection Plugin
The HashiCorp Vault plugin is used to retrieve secrets from a HashiCorp Vault server. This plugin allows you to store secrets with an external provider and retrieve them at runtime during the release execution.
๐๏ธ SonarQube Plugin
The Release SonarQube plugin enables Release to work with reports and metrics from a Sonar server.
๐๏ธ Sonatype Nexus IQ Plugin
The Release Sonatype Nexus IQ plugin is a Release plugin that enables the evaluation of a binary within the Nexus IQ server.
๐๏ธ OPA Integration
Open Policy Agent (OPA) is a freely available engine that enables you to write policies in the form of code and incorporate them into your application or process. The Release OPA Integration enables Release to work with Open Policy Agent server to manage policies and to evaluate inputs based on policy language known as REGO, which allows you to write policies for various services utilizing the same language.
๐๏ธ Azure Keyvault Integration