Start a Release From an Archived Release
This topic explains how to start a new release from an archived release by using the original template and variable values
To start a release from an archived release:
- In Release, select Releases from the top bar.
- Find the archived release. Adjust the filter options if completed releases are not shown.
- Click the release title to open it.
- Select Variables from the Show list to see the values of the variables that were used when the release was run. Copy or save these values to use them for a new release.
- Select Properties from the Show list.
- Click the Created from template link to open the template from which the release was originally created.
- On the template, click New Release.
- Enter the values of the variables from the archived release.
- Click Create to create the release.
Note: Use this as a workaround provided there were no changes made to the template since the original release.