๐๏ธ Plugin Manager
You can manage your Digital.ai Release plugins directly from the Digital.ai Release user interface. The plugin manager displays the list of installed plugins and their current version. With the plugin manager you can upload a new plugin or a new version of an installed plugin directly from the user interface.
๐๏ธ Plugin Synchronization
This topic explains the new plugin management system introduced in Digital.ai Release 10.2.0. Once you upgrade your Digital.ai Release to 10.2.0 or higher version there is no more manually copying of plugin files. Everything is handled by Digital.ai Release GUI and internal API. Plugins are now being stored in the database as a central location to remove the manual manipulation of files across the cluster.
๐๏ธ Plugin Manager CLI
The Digital.ai Release plugin manager displays the list of plugins on the filesystem or database and their current version. You can delete Digital.ai Release plugins with the plugin manager command-line interface (CLI) from the database or filesystem. It is also possible to add and update plugins with the plugin manager CLI.
๐๏ธ Plugin Manager Troubleshooting
This section describes some of the common user issues faced when using the Plugin Manager with corresponding response messages.
๐๏ธ Air-gapped Environments
The Digital.ai Release plugin manager has the ability to work in an airtight environment, where there's no internet access.
๐๏ธ Plugin Classloader
Digital.ai Release runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and has two classloaders: one for the server itself, and one for the plugins and extensions. A plugin can have a .jar extension. The JAR format is a ZIP archive that bundles a plugin with all of its dependencies.
๐๏ธ Extend Release Plugin for Deploy Using Python SDK
You can extend the functionality of the official Release plugin for Deploy by using xldeploy-py, the Python SDK for Deploy.
๐๏ธ Migrate From Community Deploy Plugin to Standard Plugin in Release
The community xlr-xldeploy-plugin and the officially-supported xlr-xld-plugin can both exist within the same Release instance without any conflicts.