๐๏ธ Task Types
In Release there are multiple types of tasks. These task types can be divided into different category: tasks that represent actions performed by a user, tasks that are automated, and tasks that provide integration with other tools.
๐๏ธ Create Custom Task Types
In Release you can add custom task types that appear in the user interface and integrate seamlessly with other tasks in the release flow. You can use custom tasks to integrate with third-party components. For example, Release includes JIRA integration tasks, which are a set of custom tasks.
๐๏ธ Create Custom Configuration Types
In Release you can add custom configuration types in XML. Custom configuration types appear in the configuration screens, and custom tasks can reference configuration instances. You can use custom configuration type tasks to reference third-party component settings. For example, Release includes with JIRA Server and Jenkins Server, which are custom configuration types.
๐๏ธ Use Scheduling in Scripts
A scheduled script can be used within a custom task script to check for the availability of a resource or to do something when conditions are satisfied, see Create custom task types.
๐๏ธ Lock Tasks
Release has the lock task feature. Lock tasks are mandatory. If a lock task occurs during a release, this task needs to be executed before the release can continue.
๐๏ธ Create Release Tasks
A Create Release task is an automatic task that creates and starts a release based on a configured template.
๐๏ธ Create Gate Tasks
A Gate task contains conditions that must be fulfilled before the release can continue. There are two types of conditions: simple checkboxes and dependencies on other releases.
๐๏ธ Create a Jython Script Task
A Jython Script task contains a Jython script that is executed on the Release server. This is an automated task that completes when the script finishes successfully.
๐๏ธ Create a Manual Task
A Manual task represents a step in a template or release that must be completed by a user. This is the basic type of task in Release.
๐๏ธ Create Notification Tasks
You can use the Notification task type to prepare emails that are sent automatically when a task becomes active. This is an automated task and will complete by itself, or fail if the email could not be sent. Release advances to the subsequent task when the notification task finishes.
๐๏ธ Create User Input Task
A User Input task is a manual task that you can use to provide values for release variables. These values can then be used in other tasks in the release. The values entered on a task are propagated to release variables as soon as the task is created, not when it is completed. The skip option is always disabled.