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Version: Early Access

Replacing datasets with existing objects

Replace one or all datasets in a dossier with existing objects from your environment. You can also specify how to replace each dataset object. Replace an attribute or a metric with a different attribute or metric, or delete it from the dossier. In addition, you can retain existing definitions for derived attributes and metrics.

To replace datasets with existing objects

  1. Create a blank dossier or open an existing one.

  2. To replace all objects in a single dataset with other objects, click More: to the right of the dataset in the Datasets panel and choose Replace Dataset With > Existing Objects. The Add Existing Objects dialog opens.


    To replace all objects in all datasets with other objects, click More at the top of the Datasets panel and choose Replace All Datasets > Existing Objects. The Add Existing Objects dialog opens.

  3. Navigate to and select the objects you want to use to replace the existing objects in your dataset.

  4. If necessary, you can add an advanced filter for an object to limit the data it displays. Click Add Filter to open the Advanced Filter Editor. Once you add filters, click Edit Filterto make changes.

  5. Click Add. The Replace Objects Dialog opens.

  6. If you have renamed or applied number formatting to dataset objects in one or more of the datasets being replaced, you can choose to retain or discard the name and number formatting options using the Clear object alias and number format on the dossier checkbox.

  7. Select the replacement method for each dataset object from the New Objects drop-down list.

    To replace an object (that is, attribute, derived attribute, metric, or derived metric) with an existing object from the new dataset, select the object to use as a replacement. If the elements of an object being replaced appear as choices in a filter, the filter updates to contain elements of the new object.


    To remove an object (that is, attribute, derived attribute, metric, or derived metric) from the dossier, select Remove from dossier. If the object appears in the dossier (for example, in a visualization or filter), the objects and its values are removed.


    To keep a derived attribute/metric as part of the new dataset and retain its existing definition, select Keep Existing Definition. If an object that is part of a derived attribute/metric formula is replaced, it is also replaced in the definition of the object.

    A derived attribute is defined as Concat(Leftstr(Employee@First Name,1),".",Employee@LastName). You replace Employee with InternationalEmployees. The derived attribute's formula updates to Concat(Leftstr(InternationalEmployees@First Name,1),".",InternationalEmployees@LastName).


    A derived metric is defined as Revenue - Cost. You replace Revenue with Regional Revenue and Cost with Regional Cost. The derived metric's formula updates to Regional Revenue - Regional Cost.

  8. Click OK. Web replaces the dataset and the dossier updates to reflect the new dataset.