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Version: Early Access

Parse Your Data Dialog

Web assumes that your data is stored in a simple tabular layout by default, with each column in the table containing a separate attribute or metric. You can also import data stored in a cross-tabbed layout, with attributes and metrics stored in both table rows and columns.


  1. Create a blank dossier or open an existing one.
  2. Choose Add Data > New Data to import data into a new dataset.
  3. Select the data you want to import, according to your data source type.
  4. In the top pane, click the drop-down arrow for the table you want to modify and select Parse.
    Note: The Parse Data option is not available if you are importing data from a database.


Tabular: Select to import data from a simple tabular layout. Web uses the first row of data as headers for the imported data columns, by default. These column headers appear as the names of the attributes and metrics that you define.

If the data in the import file does not provide column headers for the data columns, you can add them manually. Select the Insert new column headers checkbox. A default column header is inserted for each data column.

Crosstab: Select to import data from a cross-tabbed layout. A preview of your data appears, with cells of data that contain metric data, attribute data, and metric header names that appear in separate colors. The legend in the top right lists the colors in which each type of data appears.

Importing and Parsing CSV/Text Files

You can parse CSV or text files imported into Workstation to ensure that the different values in your file are not read as a single object. By default, Workstation recognizes commas used as delimiters and automatically separates your values into individual objects. However, if your file uses a delimiter other then commas, such as semi-colons, tabs, forward slashes, etc., you can manually parse the data to separate the values into individual objects.

  1. Open a new dossier.
  2. Click New Data from the Datasets panel.
  3. Select File from Disk > Choose files.
  4. Open your CSV or text file and click Prepare Data from the Local Drive window.
  5. Open the drop-down menu at the top of the table containing your dataset and click Parse.
  6. Open the Delimiter drop-down menu and select the delimiter that your file uses.
    If you select custom, you will be prompted to enter the symbol acting as a delimiter in your file.
  7. Click Apply.

From the Parse Your Data window you also have the ability to switch between tabular and crosstab views, insert column headers, skip rows of data, and select the types of quotes applied.