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Version: Deploy 24.1

Sample Java-based plugin

This example describes some classes from a test plugin we use at, the Yak plugin.

We'll use the following sample deployment in this example:

  • The YakApp 1.1 deployment package.
  • The application contains two deployables: "yakfile1" and "yakfile2". Both are of type YakFile.
  • An environment that contains one container: "yakserver", of type YakServer.
  • An older version of the application, YakApp/1.0, is already deployed on the container.
  • YakApp/1.0 contains an older version of yakfile1, but yakfile2 is new in this deployment.

Deployable: YakFile

The YakFile is a deployable CI representing a file. It extends the built-in BaseDeployableFileArtifact class.


import com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.api.udm.BaseDeployableFileArtifact;

public class YakFile extends BaseDeployableFileArtifact {

In our sample deployment, both yakfile1 and yakfile2 are instances of this Java class.

Container: YakServer

The YakServer is the container that will be the target of our deployment.


// imports omitted...

@Metadata(root = Metadata.ConfigurationItemRoot.INFRASTRUCTURE)
public class YakServer extends BaseContainer {

public void restartYakServers(Deltas deltas, DeploymentPlanningContext result) {
for (YakServer yakServer : serversRequiringRestart(deltas.getDeltas())) {
result.addStep(new StopYakServerStep(yakServer));
result.addStep(new StartYakServerStep(yakServer));

private static Set<YakServer> serversRequiringRestart(List<Delta> operations) {
Set<YakServer> servers = new TreeSet<YakServer>();
for (Delta operation : operations) {
if (operation.getDeployed() instanceof RestartRequiringDeployedYakFile && operation.getDeployed().getContainer() instanceof YakServer) {
servers.add((YakServer) operation.getDeployed().getContainer());
return servers;

This class shows several interesting features:

  • The YakServer extends the built-in BaseContainer class.
  • The @Metadata annotation specifies where in the Deploy repository the CI will be stored. In this case, the CI will be stored under the Infrastructure node. (see the Deploy Reference Manual for more information on the repository).
  • The restartYakServers() method annotated with @Contributor is invoked when any deployment takes place (also deployments that may not necessarily contain an instance of the YakServer class). The method serversRequiringRestart() searches for any YakServer instances that are present in the deployment and that requires a restart. For each of these YakServer instances, a StartYakServerStep and StopYakServerStep is added to the plan.

When the restartYakServers method is invoked, the deltas parameter contains operations for both yakfile CIs. If either of the yakfile CIs was an instance of RestartRequiringDeployedYakFile, a start step would be added to the deployment plan.

Deployed: DeployedYakFile

The DeployedYakFile represents a YakFile deployed to a YakServer, as reflected in the class definition. The class extends the built-in BaseDeployed class.


// imports omitted...

public class DeployedYakFile extends BaseDeployedArtifact<YakFile, YakServer> {

public void stop(DeploymentPlanningContext result) {"Adding stop artifact");
result.addStep(new StopDeployedYakFileStep(this));

public void start(DeploymentPlanningContext result) {"Adding start artifact");
result.addStep(new StartDeployedYakFileStep(this));

public void deploy(DeploymentPlanningContext result) {"Adding deploy step");
result.addStep(new DeployYakFileToServerStep(this));

public void upgrade(DeploymentPlanningContext result) {"Adding upgrade step");
result.addStep(new UpgradeYakFileOnServerStep(this));

public void destroy(DeploymentPlanningContext result) {"Adding undeploy step");
result.addStep(new DeleteYakFileFromServerStep(this));

private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DeployedYakFile.class);

This class shows how to use the @Contributor to contribute steps to a deployment that includes a configured instance of the DeployedYakFile. Each annotated method annotated is invoked when the specified operation is present in the deployment for the YakFile.

In our sample deployment, yakfile1 already exists on the target container CI so a MODIFY delta will be present in the delta specification for this CI, causing the stop, start and upgrade methods to be invoked on the CI instance. Because yakfile2 is new, a CREATE delta will be present, causing the start, and deploy method to be invoked on the CI instance.

Step: StartYakServerStep

Steps are the actions that will be executed when the deployment plan is started.

package com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.test.yak.step;

import com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.api.flow.ExecutionContext;
import com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.api.flow.Step;
import com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.api.flow.StepExitCode;

public class StartYakServerStep implements Step {

private YakServer server;

public StartYakServerStep(YakServer server) {
this.server = server;

public String getDescription() {
return "Starting " + server;

public StepExitCode execute(ExecutionContext ctx) throws Exception {
return StepExitCode.SUCCESS;

public YakServer getServer() {
return server;

public int getOrder() {
return 90;