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Version: Deploy 23.3

Types of orchestrators in Deploy

In Deploy, an orchestrator combines the steps for individual component changes into an overall deployment or provisioning workflow.

Orchestrators are also used for specifying which parts of the deployment or provisioning plan are executed sequentially or in parallel. You can combine multiple orchestrators for more complex workflows. For more information, see Combining multiple orchestrators.


For orchestrators that specify an order, the order is reversed for undeployment.

This topic describes orchestrators that are available for deployment plans. For examples of deployment plans using different orchestrators, see Examples of orchestrators in Deploy.

For information about orchestrators and provisioning plans, see Using orchestrators with provisioning.

Default orchestrator

The default orchestrator alternates all individual component changes by running all steps of a given order for all components. The output in an overall workflow that first stops all containers, then removes all old components, then adds the new ones, and so on.

Default orchestrator

By container orchestrators

The By container orchestrators group steps for the same container together, enabling deployments across a group of middleware.

  • sequential-by-container will deploy to all containers sequentially. The order of deployment is defined by alphabetic order of the containers' names.
  • parallel-by-container will deploy to all containers in parallel.

Sequential by container

Parallel by container

By composite package orchestrators

The By composite package orchestrators group steps for a contained package together.

  • sequential-by-composite-package will deploy member packages of a composite package sequentially. The order of the member packages in the composite package is preserved.
  • parallel-by-composite-package will deploy member packages of a composite package in parallel.

You can use the sequential-by-composite-package or parallel-by-composite-package orchestrator with a composite package that has other composite packages nested inside. When Deploy creates the interleaved sub-plans, it will flatten the composite packages and maintain the order of the deployment package members.

Sequential by composite package

Parallel by composite package

By deployment group orchestrators

The By deployment group orchestrators use the deployment group property of a middleware container to group steps for all containers that are assigned the same deployment group.

All component changes for a specific container are placed in the same group, and all groups are combined into a single (sequential or parallel) deployment workflow. This provides fine-grained control over which containers are deployed together.

  • sequential-by-deployment-group will deploy to each member of group sequentially. The order of deployment is defined by ascending order of the deployment group property. If the property is not specified, this group will be deployed first.
  • parallel-by-deployment-group will deploy to each member of group in parallel.

Sequential by deployment group

Parallel by deployment group

By deployment sub-group orchestrators

You can further organize deployment to middleware containers using the deployment sub-group and deployment sub-sub-group properties.

  • sequential-by-deployment-sub-group will deploy to each member of a sub-group sequentially.
  • parallel-by-deployment-sub-group will deploy to each member of a sub-group in parallel.
  • sequential-by-deployment-sub-sub-group will deploy to each member of a sub-sub-group sequentially.
  • parallel-by-deployment-sub-sub-group will deploy to each member of a sub-sub-group in parallel.

By deployed orchestrators

You can organize deployments by deployed.

  • sequential-by-deployed will deploy all deployeds in the plan sequentially.
  • parallel-by-deployed will deploy all deployeds in the plan in parallel.

By dependency orchestrators

You can use the by dependency orchestrators with applications that have dependencies. These orchestrators group the dependencies for a specific application and deploy them sequentially or in parallel.

  • sequential-by-dependency will deploy all applications in reverse topological order, which ensures that dependent applications are deployed first.
  • parallel-by-dependency will deploy the applications in parallel as much as possible. This orchestrator groups applications by dependency and executes the deployment in parallel for applications in the same group. The effect of the orchestrator depends on the definitions of the dependencies.

Parallel by dependency