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43 docs tagged with "deploy"

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Add Stitch support to plugins

Custom or community plugins that want to support the transform of artifacts using Stitch rules, must call the Stitch Engine transformer.

Caching in Deploy

* Deploy 23.1 and later lets you cache frequently accessed data for better performance and reduced latency.

Central Configuration Overview

This topic describes the transition to a Kubernetes-based containerized Deploy solution, where Deploy shared configuration files are moved to a centralized location managed by the Central Configuration Management server.

Configure Cache Expiration Lifespan

During our performance testing activity, we used the 'Cache hit %' metric to understand how caching improves performance.​ This metric indicates the percentage of overall data requests that were successfully retrieved from the cache.

Configure SSL/TLS in Kubernetes Environment

This topic illustrates how to configure SSL/TLS with Deploy. A self-signed certificate is used for illustrative purposes in this procedure. However, you may want to replace it with your own trusted certificate for production environments, which you can do by creating a new Secret object in Kubernetes that contains your certificate and then configuring the ingress controller to use it.

Getting started with Stitch

Stitch is a collection of tools available out-of-the-box with Deploy. Stitch extends Deploy’s capability and enables the field experts in your organization to define and build scaled customizations and variants of reusable deployment patterns that your cloud-native teams can effortlessly consume for their cloud and container deployments.

Install or upgrade Deploy on an Air-gapped Kubernetes Cluster

You can install Deploy in an air-gapped environment disconnected from the public internet. This topic provides information about installing and upgrading Deploy in such environments using a Minikube cluster and a custom image registry. For other Kubernetes platforms, steps are similar to the ones listed here for Minikube as long as the custom image registry contains all the required images.

Install—Deploy or Release—On-premise Kubernetes

Important: Use these instructions to install Deploy or Release on a minikube multi-node cluster for testing or illustration purposes. Do not use these instructions to set up a production environment.

Introduction to Stitch

Stitch is a new capability of Deploy that provides a declarative way to customize configuration files for deployments of bespoke applications and commercial of the shelf components (COTS). It is designed for the world of cloud and containers, and builds on top of Deploy concepts of UDM model, types, rules engine and plugins.

Kubernetes tutorial

This tutorial will teach you how to use Stitch capability of Deploy, when deploying to a Kubernetes cluster. For more information about Stitch, please see Introduction to Stitch.

Lock plugin

The Lock plugin is a Deploy plugin that adds capabilities for preventing simultaneous deployments.

Parameters in the Custom Resource File

Here is the list of parameters for the Deploy Custom Resource (CR). The following table lists the parameters available in the Deploy's daideploy_cr.yaml file and their default values.

Plan Your Installation or Upgrade

You use the XL CLI's xl kube command to install or upgrade Deploy or Release or Remote Runner. For more information, see XL Kube Command Reference.

Plugin support in Stitch

In order for Deploy to apply any Stitch transformation, the plugin needs to have a support for Stitch since it controls the content in it.

Preprocessing and postprocessing Stitch transformation

When user wants to generate additional documents based on the content of the deployment plugin uses preprocessing or postprocessing stitch transformation. Preprocessing should be used if generated documents should go through regular stitch transformations and postprocessing should be used when no additional transformation is expected.

Security in Stitch

Stitch sources are created under the Configuration tab of the CI Explorer. Using configuration or folder permissions, you can show/hide Stitch sources. As a Stitch source is also a CI, it has the same logic for permissions as all other CI’s.

Setup ActiveMQ Artemis HA with UDP

This topic outlines the procedure to setup Active Messaging Queue (MQ) Artemis in a highly available configuration with UDP protocol. It also describes how Deploy can be connected to Artemis nodes.

Stitch macros

Stitch macros are reusable building blocks which group the common processors used inside of Stitch rules.

Stitch on CLIs

Some of the Stitch features, like preview or dry run, can be run through either Jython or XL CLI.

Stitch preview

When you use the Preview option of the deployment plan, you can also see the Stitch preview for it, by using the toggle button to switch between two views. After clicking on the Stitch preview toggle, you can also browse and view Stitch invocation details.

Stitch processors

A Stitch processor is a part of a Stitch rule that is responsible for modifying the application's resource configuration files during the deployment planning phase. Processors are defined in a Stitch YAML file in the processor array.

Stitch Workbench

The Stitch Workbench is a part of Deploy's web-based user interface that provides an overview of all customizations known to Stitch.

Using an Existing PostgreSQL Database

If you plan to use an existing database—one that is not created by default by the Operator-based installer—you must configure the relevant database parameters in the daideploy_cr.yaml file.