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Version: Deploy 22.2

Control Task Delegates in the Generic Plugin

This topic describes the Generic Model plugin, which includes predefined control task delegates capable of executing scripts on a target host.

You can use the delegates to define control tasks on any configuration item (CI) defined in Deploy's type system.

shellScript delegate

The shellScript delegate has the capability of executing a single script on a target host.

scriptSTRINGYesThe classpath to the FreeMarker template that will generate the script.
hostSTRINGNoThe target host on which to execute the script. This argument takes an expression in the form ${..} which indicates the property to use as the host. For example, ${}, ${thisCi.delegateToHost}. In the absence of this argument, the delegate will try to resolve the host. For udm.Deployed-derived configuration items, the container property is used as the target host if it is an overthere.HostContainer. For udm.Container-derived CIs, the CI itself is used as the target host if it is an overthere.HostContainer. In all other cases, this argument is required.
classpathResourcesLIST_OF_STRINGNoComma-separated string of additional classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the script.
templateClasspathResourcesLIST_OF_STRINGNoComma-separated string of additional template classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the script. The template is first rendered and the rendered content copied to a file, with the same name as the template, in the working directory.


	<type type="tc.DeployedDataSource" extends="generic.ProcessedTemplate" deployable-type="tc.DataSource"
<generate-deployable type="tc.DataSource" extends="generic.Resource"/>
<method name="ping" delegate="shellScript"

localShellScript delegate

The localShellScript delegate can execute a single script on a the Deploy host.

scriptSTRINGYesThe classpath to the FreeMarker template that will generate the script.
classpathResourcesLIST_OF_STRINGNoComma-separated string of additional classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the script.
templateClasspathResourcesLIST_OF_STRINGNoComma-separated string of additional template classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the script. The template is first rendered and the rendered content copied to a file, with the same name as the template, in the working directory.


	<type-modification type="udm.DeployedApplication" >
<method name="updateVersionDatabase" delegate="localShellScript"

shellScripts delegate

The shellScripts delegate can execute multiple scripts on a target host.

scriptsLIST_OF_STRINGYesComma-separated string of the classpath to the FreeMarker templates that will generate the scripts. In addition, each template can be prefixed with an alias. The format of the alias is alias:path. The alias can be used to define classpathResources and templateClasspathResources attributes that should be uploaded for the specific script. For example, aliasClasspathResources and aliasTemplateClasspathResources.
hostSTRINGNoThe target host on which to execute the script. This argument takes an expression in the form ${..} which indicates the property to use as the host. For example, ${}, ${thisCi.delegateToHost}. In the absence of this argument, the delegate will try to resolve the host. For udm.Deployed-derived configuration items, the container property is used as the target host if it is an overthere.HostContainer. For udm.Container derived CIs, the CI itself is used as the target host if it is an overthere.HostContainer. In all other cases, this argument is required.
classpathResourcesLIST_OF_STRINGNoComma-separated string of additional classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the script. These resources are uploaded for all scripts.
templateClasspathResourcesLIST_OF_STRINGNoComma-separated string of additional template classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the script.The template is first rendered and the rendered content copied to a file, with the same name as the template, in the working directory. These resources are uploaded for all scripts.


	<type type="tc.Server" extends="generic.Container">
<method name="startAndWait" delegate="shellScripts"

localShellScripts delegate

The localShellScripts delegate has the capability of executing multiple scripts on the Deploy host.

scriptsLIST_OF_STRINGYesComma separated string of the classpath to the FreeMarker templates that will generate the scripts. In addition, each template can be prefixed with an alias. The format of the alias is alias:path. The alias can be used to define classpathResources and templateClasspathResources attributes that should be uploaded for the specific script. For example, aliasClasspathResources and aliasTemplateClasspathResources.
classpathResourcesLIST_OF_STRINGNoComma-separated string of additional classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the script. These resources are uploaded for all scripts.
templateClasspathResourcesLIST_OF_STRINGNoComma-separated string of additional template classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the script. The template is first rendered and the rendered content copied to a file, with the same name as the template, in the working directory. These resources are uploaded for all scripts.


	<type-modification type="udm.Version">
<method name="udpateSCMandCMDB" delegate="localShellScripts"