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Version: Deploy 22.1

Connect Deploy to Your Infrastructure

This tutorial describes how to connect Deploy to the host on which your middleware is running.

Depending on your system, follow the instructions for the host operating system and the connection protocol that you want Deploy to use:

If you would like to use SSH on Windows through WinSSHD or OpenSSH, see Set up SSH.

Connect to a Unix host using SSH

To connect to a Unix host using SSH:

  1. In the top navigation bar, click Explorer.
  2. Hover over Infrastructure, click Context menu, then select New > overthere > SshHost. A new tab displays.
  3. In the Name field, enter a name for the host.
  4. Select UNIX from the Operating system list.
  5. Select the Connection Type:
    • Select SCP, if the user that will connect to the host, will have privileges to manipulate files and execute commands.
    • Select SU, if the user that will connect to the host, can use su to log in as one user and execute commands as a different user.
    • Select SUDO or INTERACTIVE_SUDO, if the user that will connect to the host can use sudo to execute commands as a different user. For more information, see Set up SSH.
  6. In the Address field, enter the IP address of the host.
  7. In the Port field, enter the port on which Deploy should connect to the host. The default is port is 22.
  8. In the Username field, enter the user name that Deploy should use when connecting to the host.
  9. In the Password field, enter the user's password.
  10. If you chose the connection type SU, SUDO, or INTERACTIVE_SUDO, go to the Advanced section and enter the user name and password that Deploy should use.
  11. Click Save.

Connect to a Windows host using WinRM

To check if WinRM is installed on the host, see Versions of Windows Remote Management for the host's version of Windows.

If WinRM is not installed, for information on how to install it, see Using CIFS, SMB, WinRM, and Telnet. Then follow the steps below to connect Deploy to the host.

To connect to a Windows CIFS or SMB host using WinRM:

  1. In the top navigation bar, click Explorer.
  2. Hover over Infrastructure, click Context menu, then select New > overthere > and one of the following:
    • CifsHost
    • SmbHost A new tab displays.
  3. In the Name field, enter a name for the host.
  4. In the Operating system list, select WINDOWS.
  5. Select the Connection Type:
    • If the computer where you installed Deploy does not run Windows, select WINRM_INTERNAL.
    • If the computer where you installed Deploy runs Windows, select WINRM_NATIVE.

The WINRM_NATIVE option requires that Winrs is installed on the computer where Deploy is installed. This is only supported for Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 R2, and Windows Server 2012.

  1. In the Address field, enter the IP address of the host.
  2. Optionally, in the Port field, enter the port on which Telnet or WinRM runs.

You can change the port on which the CIFS or SMB server runs in the CIFS or SMB section. The default is 445.

  1. In the Username field, enter the user name that Deploy should use when connecting to the host.
  2. In the Password field, enter the user's password.

For more information on required user permissions, see Using CIFS, SMB, WinRM, and Telnet.

  1. Click Save.

Verify the connection

After you configure the host, verify that Deploy can connect to it:

  1. In the top navigation bar, click Explorer.
  2. Under Infrastructure, hover over the host, click Context menu, then select Check connection. A new tab displays with the steps that Deploy will execute to check the connection.
  3. Click Execute. Deploy verifies that it can transfer files to the host and execute commands on it.

If the connection check succeeds, the state of the steps will be DONE.

If the connection check fails, see Troubleshoot an SSH connection and Troubleshoot a WinRM connection.