Unable to Install Application
If you are unable to install an application either by manually installing it or by installing it via test script,
Please make sure that the following conditions are met:
The device you are trying to install the application on, has the minimum required operating system version that is configured in the application. i.e. if an application is only compatible with iOS 10 and above, make sure to install it on iOS 10 and above devices only.
The applications is built in debug configuration. Any application that is built in production or distribution configuration might fail to install. See the resources below to learn how to build your application in debug configuration.
Installing in Automation Tests:
Make sure that the application was added to your project.
Make sure to add cloud: before the bundle id or app package
Capabilities setting
// Android
dc.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.APP, "cloud:com.experitest.eribank/com.experitest.ExperiBank.LoginActivity");
// iOS
dc.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.APP, "cloud:com.experitest.ExperiBank");