Appium Studio for Eclipse - Dump Editor, Properties View
The dump editor helps you select the correct way to identify elements in your application UI.
The supported flow enables you to save a different snapshot of your application on different pages. Those pages are saved in your project under the pages folder and are made available for you for future use.
To create a dump:
- Open a device in the Devices view.
- Click the Dump UI icon (
- Provide a name for the page.
Once saved, an editor page opens with a Dump Properties view.
In this example the Username element is selected so its properties are displayed in the screenshot.
When selecting an element in the Dump editor, the Dump Properties view changes accordingly.
The Dump Properties view contains a tree view of the UI elements at the bottom, andall of the properties that can be used to identify the selected UI element at the top.
Properties that are unique to the specific page are displayed in pink.
You can use the toolbar above the tree filter all the elements matching a certain XPath or containing a certain text. You can scroll through all elements matching the filter using the buttons or pick an element with a specific index.
The normal way to use the Dump Properties view is:
- Select the properties to use.
- Click the Add to Repository icon (
- Enter a name for the created object, then click OK.
An entry is added to your project repository. It can be seen in the Repository view.
You can drag the selected properties into the Repository view to add new elements to the repository.