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Version: 2024.3.27

Enable a Domain Whitelist for Custom Admin Sites

If you are using App Management's API to call App Management web services from a web application (for example, a custom administration portal), you need to define a domain whitelist that includes the host domain of any web site that will send API requests to App Management. This whitelist enables CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) in the header of the API response, which allows browsers to communicate with the App Management web server across domain-boundaries.

To enable a domain whitelist for custom administration sites

  1. On the Admin Portal navigation bar, click Settings.

  2. Click CORS Domain Whitelist.

  3. In the field, enter the domain of a web site you need to include in the whitelist. Follow these specifications:

    • Enter the domain in this form: scheme://domain:port
    • The scheme can be any valid protocol (for example: http, https); port is optional
    • Do not include wildcards or unicode characters
  4. Click Add to add another domain. Click the X next to any domains you wish to remove from the list. Your changes are saved automatically.