Viewing Member Details in a TeamRoom
The top left corner of any TeamRoom displays the avatars of all the members who have access to the TeamRoom. Here, you can filter the TeamRoom to see work assigned to each member or access their account details.
How To
Click the hamburger menu
> Rooms > All TeamRooms.
Click a TeamRoom name and choose one of the following options:
- Click on an avatar to filter the TeamRoom to display to only the items assigned to that member.
- Click the member's name to view the member details page, where you can see and edit account and other associated information.
Removing Members from TeamRoom -
- Click on the Settings
- On the Edit TeamRoom Properties page, click Membership on the left-hand side.
- In the Assigned Members section, click the Remove button next to a member to remove them from the TeamRoom.
- Click on the Settings
Removing Inactive Members from TeamRoom-
- Click on the Settings
- On the Edit TeamRoom Properties page, click Membership on the left-hand side.
- Click the filter dropdown arrow and check the Show Inactive Members checkbox.
- Click the Remove button next to an inactive member to remove them from the TeamRoom.
- Click on the Settings
To avoid having inactive members in a TeamRoom, it is a good practice to remove members from the TeamRoom before deactivating them.