Sprint or Iteration Planning By Member
This article explains how members can plan for Sprints or Iterations.
Use the Member Planning page view to roll up all work in the current sprint according to the team member who is responsible for it. This allows the team to scan the work allocation total for each member and determine if anyone is overloaded or under-loaded. Listed under each team member are all backlog items that contain an item owned by the member. The full contents (all tasks and tests) of each backlog item are displayed to provide a full view of the backlog item. Only those workitems owned by the member are included in the Detail Estimate total for the member.
Reassigning Workitems
If it is necessary to reassign workitems, select a new team member in the Owner field, and click Save.
Verifying Complete Coverage
At the bottom of the page, a grid displays items that are not owned by anyone. This grid can be used to verify that all workitems to have an owner. An empty grid means that there is an owner for every workitem.
Viewing Work Queues
The grid at the bottom of the page can be used by teams who work in a queue structure. Once a team member completes a workitem, the member can view this list to find the next available workitem, assign it to themselves, and begin work on it.
Viewing Workitems with Multiple Owners
Display the Allocated columns (see Altering Your View section below) when multiple owners are assigned to a single item. This divides the Detail Estimate and/or remaining To Do amounts by the number of owners, showing a more accurate picture of each person's workload.
Using History as a Guide
Use the Summary table at the top of the page to compare rollup values of the current sprint's contents with that of the last closed sprint.
Changing Multiple Backlog Items at Once
If you want to perform a bulk action to multiple rows (e.g., moving several items to a new project or theme), you can use the multi-select menu.
- Select the check box next to each item you want to change.
- Select an action from the multi-select menu. Your changes will be applied to all the rows you selected.
Unlike dragging and dropping, multi-select actions only apply to the items selected. They do not apply to child items. For example, if you select a portfolio item to move it to a new project, the stories, tests, and defects will not automatically move along with it. To move the related child items, you must select each one you want to move.
Customizing Your View
Digital.ai Agility allows you to customize the way you view data in the grid.
Exporting Your Data
Click on the toolbar icon and select Export (.xls) to export the contents of the table to Excel. See Export for more details.