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7 docs tagged with "roles"

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Composable Blueprints

Multiple blueprints can be composed into one master blueprint which specifies the deployment model for multiple included blueprints, by using includeBefore and includeAfter parameters. This allows you to scale your deployment and release models with any number of blueprints. During the implementation of a composed blueprint, the CLI will work through the blueprints in the sequence defined, merging the questions into a single list and applying any custom values that were defined in the composed blueprint. For more information on the YAML fields that enable composable blueprints, see IncludeBefore/IncludeAfter fields for composability.

Manage Deploy Permissions in YAML

You can specify and maintain global permissions, roles, and users for Deploy in YAML, enabling you to manage this aspect of your Deploy configuration "as code".

Manage Release Permissions in YAML

You can specify and maintain global permissions, roles, and users for Release in YAML, enabling you to manage this aspect of your Release configuration "as code".

Roles and Permissions

Deploy includes a fine-grained access control scheme to ensure the security of your middleware and deployments. The security scheme is based on the concepts of principals, roles, and permissions.

Set up Roles and Permissions

Deploy provides fine-grained security settings based on roles and permissions that you can configure in the GUI and through the command-line interface (CLI).

Set up Roles and Permissions Using the Deploy CLI

When Deploy is installed, no permissions are granted to any user. The only users that have permissions granted are the administrator users, and they have all permissions granted to them. Deploy has one predefined administrator user called admin, with the default password admin. For more information, see roles and permissions.