Add Stitch Support to Plugins
Custom or community plugins that want to support the transform of artifacts using Stitch rules, must call the Stitch Engine transformer.
Custom or community plugins that want to support the transform of artifacts using Stitch rules, must call the Stitch Engine transformer.
Stitch is a new capability of Deploy that provides a declarative way to customize configuration files for deployments of bespoke applications and commercial of the shelf components (COTS). It is designed for the world of cloud and containers, and builds on top of Deploy concepts of UDM model, types, rules engine and plugins.
This tutorial will teach you how to use Stitch capability of Deploy, when deploying to a Kubernetes cluster. For more information about Stitch, please see Introduction to Stitch. Deploy 10.2.0 introduces a new way of managing plugins. Once you upgrade your Deploy to 10.2.0 or higher version there is no more manually copying of plugin files. Everything is handled by Deploy GUI and internal API. Plugins are now being stored in the database as a central location to remove manual manipulation of files across the cluster.
When user wants to generate additional documents based on the content of the deployment plugin uses preprocessing or postprocessing stitch transformation. Preprocessing should be used if generated documents should go through regular stitch transformations and postprocessing should be used when no additional transformation is expected.