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Version: Deploy 23.1

Add endpoint in Microsoft VSTS/TFS

This topic in Deploy details the Deploy extension for Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS).

The Deploy extension for Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) provides automated deployment functionality through a Deploy build task for Microsoft TFS 2015, Microsoft TFS 2017, and Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS), which is also known as Visual Studio Online.

To get started, you must upload the Deploy build task to your on-premises TFS or to your VSTS server. This task connects to Deploy through an endpoint. In TFS 2015, TFS 2017, and VSTS/VSO, endpoints are managed in a common place. This means you do not have to create endpoints in build tasks multiple times, making maintenance and centralized credentials management easier.

You create endpoints on a per-project basis. To create an endpoint for Deploy in VSTS:

  1. In the Deploy Showcase window, click Services in the right pane.

    Deploy Showcase Services

  2. Click New Service Endpoint and select Deploy.

    New Service Endpoint

  3. In the Add New Deploy Connection window, complete these fields:

    • Connection name: Enter a meaningful connection name such as Deploy Server.
    • Server URL: Enter a URL such as http://my.xldeploy.server:4516/. Ensure that the URL includes the correct port number.
    • User name and Password": Enter the user name and password used to authenticate with Deploy.
  4. Click OK.

You can now refer to this endpoint from any of the Deploy build tasks.

To create a Deploy endpoint in Team Foundation Server, refer to Add an endpoint in Team Foundation Server 2015.

For more information, see Introduction to the VSTS/TFS plugin.