Deploy/Release public blueprints
A blueprint guides you through a process that automatically generates YAML files for your applications and infrastructure. The blueprint asks a short series of questions about your application and the type of environment it requires, and the Command Line Interface (XL CLI) uses your answers to generate YAML files that define configuration items and releases, plus special files that manage sensitive data such as passwords.
Blueprints allow you to define rich deployment and release patterns that create organizational standards. You can use blueprints to:
- On-board new teams into a defined CI/CD process
- Share best practices for security, ITSM, cloud, and across the organization
- Enable DevOps teams to learn new tools and technologies quickly provides publicly-available blueprints to help you get started. You can use these blueprints out of the box to better understand concepts and behavior and then customize them for your own requirements.
Category | Blueprint | Description |
Amazon Web Services (AWS) | Data Lake Solution on Amazon EC2 | AWS offers a sample Data Lake Solution that shows how you can store both structured and unstructured data in a centralized repository on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), which provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud. Use this blueprint to deploy the sample Data Lake Solution on EC2 using CloudFormation, which defines the infrastructure that will run on EC2. |
Amazon Web Services (AWS) | Microservice Application on Amazon EKS | Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS) allows you to deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications in the cloud using Kubernetes. Use this blueprint to deploy a sample microservice-based application on EKS. |
Amazon Web Services (AWS) | Amazon EKS Cluster | Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS) allows you to deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications in the cloud using Kubernetes. Use this blueprint to provision a simple EKS cluster. The release template that the blueprint generates provisions a new cluster. |
Amazon Web Services (AWS) | Amazon Lambda | AWS Lambda lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers. You pay only for the compute time you consume - there is no charge when your code is not running. Use this blueprint to provision a basic Lambda function using a CloudFormation Stack. |
Amazon Web Services (AWS) | Monolithic Application on Amazon ECS with Terraform | Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a container orchestration service for Docker-enabled applications. It works with AWS Fargate, a compute engine that allows you to run containers on ECS without having to manage servers or clusters. Use this blueprint to deploy a monolithic application on ECS with the Fargate launch type, using Terraform to define the infrastructure that will run on ECS. |
Amazon Web Services (AWS) | Monolithic Application on Amazon ECS | Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a container orchestration service for Docker-enabled applications. It works with AWS Fargate, a compute engine that allows you to run containers on ECS without having to manage servers or clusters. Use this blueprint to deploy a sample monolithic application on ECS with the Fargate launch type. |
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) | Basic GKE Cluster | Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) allows you to deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications in the cloud using Kubernetes. Use this blueprint to provision a GKE cluster using Terraform. |
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) | Microservice Application on GKE | Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) allows you to deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications in the cloud using Kubernetes. Use this blueprint to deploy a sample microservice-based application on GKE using Terraform, which defines the infrastructure that will run on GKE. |
Azure Kubernetes Cluster | Basic AKS Cluster | Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) manages your hosted Kubernetes environment to deploy and manage containerized applications. Use this blueprint to provision a simple AKS cluster using Terraform, which defines the infrastructure that will run on AKS. |
Azure app service | Azure App Service | Azure App Service allows you to deploy, manage, and scale web applications in the cloud. Use this blueprint to deploy a Docker-based web application to Azure App Service using Terraform. |
Azure microservice ecommerce | Microservice application on Azure Kubernetes service | Use this blueprint to deploy a sample microservice-based application on AKS using Terraform, which defines the infrastructure that will run on AKS. The release template that the blueprint generates connects to an existing AKS cluster or provisions a new cluster and deploys a sample application to it. |
Azure Resource Manager (ARM) | Basic ARM Template | Azure Resource Manager (ARM) allows users to deploy applications to Azure using declarative JSON templates. In the DevOps as Code CLI, you can use the Basic ARM template blueprint to run blueprints on platforms hosted on Azure, by creating ARM templates. This can greatly simplify the process of provisioning resources from Deploy and Release in an Azure environment. |
Docker | Local Docker Deployment | Use this blueprint to deploy a Docker application with front-end and back-end services to Docker running locally. |
Docker | Docker Single Container Application | Use this blueprint to define a package that deploys a single Docker container. |
Docker | Docker Environment | Use this blueprint to define an environment for your Docker engine in Deploy. |
Docker | Composed Docker Deployment | Use this blueprint to deploy a simple Docker application to Docker running locally. |
Docker | DevOps Platform | Use this blueprint to create an Deploy instance, an Release instance and a Docker proxy for deploying containers to Docker. |
Kubernetes | Kubernetes Application | Use this blueprint to define a package that deploys a single Kubernetes YAML or JSON file. |
Kubernetes | Kubernetes Environment | Use this blueprint to define an environment for a Kubernetes cluster in Deploy. |
Security | Run Your DevSecOps Pipeline | Use this blueprint to configure security scanning tools and an out-of-the-box security dashboard that provides immediate insight into code quality for teams, managers, and auditors. |
Dictionaries and secret stores | Dictionaries and secret stores | This blueprint includes the resources needed to set up a basic deployment of the DevOps Platform to an Azure environment, with the option to store sensitive values either in a password dictionary, or in one of the following secret stores: |