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Version: Early Access


Reports allow you to track and monitor information about App Catalog users and access. App Management offers two types of reports:

  • Instant Reports are interactive summaries of data that can be filtered, searched, and rendered directly in your browser or downloaded in CSV format.
  • Offline Reports provide raw data, may contain many more records than Instant Reports, and can only be downloaded in CSV format.

You can also use the Reports API or Feeds API to retrieve this data programmatically.

Instant Reports 

For instructions on running an instant report, see Run an Instant Report.

The following table describes the available instant reports:

App InformationLists all app versions uploaded to App Management with information about the platform, minimum supported operating system, version, and architecture (32-bit or 64-bit). The Architecture column is only populated for the most recent version of an app.

Tip: Use this report to determine whether an iOS app must be updated from 32-bit to 64-bit architecture.
App UsageLists usage information tracked for all apps with the App Usage policy applied. The report includes details about each time an app was used, including app version and platform, and number of app launches. For more information, see Track Application Usage.

Info: The App Usage report is automatically filtered to display data from the previous week, and includes data from the past 6 months. You can use the App Usage Activity offline report or the Feeds API to view data older than 6 months.
Device DetailsLists information about the devices on which users have logged in to the App Catalog. If a user has multiple devices, there is a separate entry in the report for each device.

The Device Status field indicates whether the device is enabled or disabled. If a user's device is disabled, all users associated with that device in a single organization are blocked from logging in to the App Catalog on that device. A device can be disabled in two ways:

- Manually by an administrator. For instructions on manually enabling/disabling a device, see Disable or Enable a Device.
- Automatically by the system. This occurs when the device is noncompliant. App Management considers a device to be noncompliant if a mandatory update is not installed within the configured grace period. For more information on mandatory updates and grace periods, see Managing Application Updates.

To see whether a disabled device was disabled by an administrator or by the system, show the Disabled By column in the report (this column is hidden by default). To list the date on which the device was disabled, see the Disabled On column.

The Last Active Date column identifies when the user last interacted with App Management from the device. Interaction includes any type of communication between the device and App Management. For example: logging in or out of the catalog, listing apps in the catalog, authenticating to open an app with the Enterprise SSO policy applied, and updating an app.
Download InventoryLists the latest version of an app that each user/device has downloaded over the past 6 months, which may not be the most recent version of the app itself. 

Note that the report lists downloads of the App Catalog, but the initial download of an App Catalog is not counted until a user has logged into the App Catalog on the device; subsequent downloads of App Catalog updates are counted without requiring the user to log in.
InspectionsLists all the Inspection Reports generated for apps in the App Catalog, including reports generated for older versions of the apps. From this reportyoucan click a Report Link to view any of the Inspection Reports. For more information, see View All Inspection Reports.
Location Services StatusLists data gathered by the Check Location Services policy, which allows you to identify users who need to either enable Location Services on their device or allow location access for an application. Enabled status indicates that all necessary location settings are enabled and the user can take advantage of GPS features built into the app; Disabled indicates that Location Services are disabled on the device and/or the app is not set to allow location access.

The Location Services Status report lists each check performed by the Check Location Services policy where the status is different than the previous status. For example, the report could show a status of Disabled the first time joeadmin launched the Training app. This indicates that either Location Services for the device was turned Off and/or Location Access for the Training app was set to Never. When the check occurs again, if both settings are enabled the status changes to Enabled. In this case, there will be two rows for joeadmin, one Disabled and one Enabled.
Most Popular AppsLists downloaded native apps in descending order by number of downloads.

The report lists App Name, Application ID, App Platform, and Download Count. Download Count includes App Catalog downloads, but the initial download of an App Catalog is not counted until a user has logged into the App Catalog on the device; subsequent downloads of App Catalog updates are counted without requiring the user to log in.

You can use the Date filter to list the most-downloaded apps during a period of time. App Management lists only those downloads completed during the specified date range.

Tip: Download count is one criterion when assessing the popularity of an application within your enterprise. By applying the App Usage policy, you can also track the number of times a user launches the app on a device. For more information, see Track Application Usage.
Terms and Conditions ResponsesLists user responses for apps using the Terms and Conditions policy. For more information, see Terms and Conditions.
User DetailsLists details about all the App Management users defined for your organization, including invite status and the date of the user's last login. Use this report to identify users who have been invited but have not yet activated the App Catalog, or to see which users have not logged in recently.

The Invite Status field indicates status of the user's invitation to App Management. Possible values are:

- invited: User was sent an invitation but has not yet activated his/her account.
- activated: User has activated his/her account.
- password not set: User was not sent an invitation and has not yet activated his/her account. A user may be in this state if you choose not to automatically send an email invitation when you create a new user.

The User Status field indicates whether the user's account is enabled or disabled. For instructions on enabling/disabling a user, see Disable or Enable a User.
Users by GroupsLists the members of each user group in your organization.

Offline Reports 

For instructions on running an offline report, see Run an Offline Report.

The following table describes the available offline reports:

App Usage ActivityProvides usage information for apps with the App Usage policy applied.
Direct Install ActivityProvides a list of all native apps (not only the latest versions) that were downloaded directly (without using the App Catalog). For more information, see Delivering Applications via a Direct Install URL.
Login ActivityLists attempts to log in to any app managed through App Management, including the App Catalog.
Password Change ActivityProvides information about password change events for users belonging to the requesting user's organization.
Download Activity (Latest Versions)Indicates when a user/device has downloaded the most recent version of an app. For example, if a user initially downloads an app, then later downloads a new version of the same app, the report would only display an event for the new (most recent) version of the app for that user.
Download ActivityLists an entry for every time a user/device downloaded any version of a native app. For example, if a user downloads the same app 5 times, 5 entries would appear in the list for that user/device.
Signing ActivityProvides a list of all signed apps, with details about the signing credentials and the user who signed it.