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Version: Early Access

Publish an App to App Management from Jenkins

Once the App Management Publisher plugin has been installed on your Jenkins build server, you can add a post-build action that will use the plugin to publish app updates to App Management as part of the build process. This enables you to always keep App Management up to date with the latest versions of your apps—with no need to manually upload updates via the Admin Portal.

This page describes how to:

Add the Plugin to Your Project as a Post-Build Action

Before you can use the App Management Publisher plugin to publish an app, you need to add it as a post-build action.

To add the plugin as a post-build action

  1. On the Jenkins dashboard, click the name of the app project to open the project Status page.
  2. Click Configure in the left navigation bar to open the Configure page.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page to display the Add post-build action drop-down menu.
  4. From the Add post-build action menu, select App Management Publisher to add the plugin. Once added, you will see all the plugin options.
  5. Continue with the next procedure to configure the plugin.

Configure the Plugin

When you configure the App Management Publisher plugin, you specify the values that Jenkins will use to automatically publish the app to App Management at the end of the build process.

To configure the plugin

  1. On the Jenkins dashboard, click the name of the app project to open the project Status page.
  2. Click Configure in the left navigation bar to open the Configure page, and then scroll to the App Management Publisher post-build action near the bottom of the page.
  3. Configure the options as described in the following table.
  4. Click Apply to save your changes and remain on the Configure page. Click Save to save your changes and return to the project Status page.

Once you've finished configuring the plugin, the next time you build the project, Jenkins will publish the new version of your app(s) to App Management.

The available options are as follows:

Production EnvironmentSelect the production environment where your App Management organization is located. This is the environment to which the plugin will connect. The plugin currently supports the North America environment, Europe environment, and Custom URLs (for custom production environments).

Contact Customer Support if you want to use a Custom URL.
API TokenChoose an API token for a valid user in your App Management organization. 

For an API token to appear in this list, you must first add it to your Jenkins credentials. To do so, go to Jenkins > Credentials and click System. Click Global credentials, then click Add Credentials. In the Kind field, choose Secret Text, set Scope to Global, add the API token in the Secret field, and give it a name in the Description field.

The user associated with the API token must have valid permissions for adding apps in App Management. For more information, see Roles and Manage API Tokens.
Test ConnectionClick this button to test that the plugin can connect to App Management using the specified credentials.
ApplicationSelect the app from the list of native apps currently stored for your organization in App Management. This is the app in App Management that will be updated when the project is built in Jenkins. This list correlates to the list of native apps displayed on the Applications page in the Admin Portal; it does not list any web apps or public store apps.
FilenameIf your project builds multiple versions of the app binary, modify the filename pattern to specify the file in the workspace that should be uploaded. Be sure to provide the relative pathname in the workspace directory. For example: target/android-app-v*.apk

Caution: This option is required if your project builds multiple versions of the app binary (for example, one app that is signed and one that is not signed). If your projects builds multiple app binaries and you do not use this field to specify which file to upload, the project build will fail.
App NameEnter the name of the app as it will appear in the App Catalog.
Short DescriptionEnter a brief description (up to 100 characters) to quickly identify the app. This description appears in the list of apps on the Applications page in the Admin Portal.
Long DescriptionEnter the description (up to 10,000 characters) that appears on the details page when the user selects an app in the App Catalog.
AuthorEnter the author of the app. This can be a company name, department, person, or any other identifier. This field accepts current build parameters in the form: $PARAM.
Version NumberEnter the app version. The version should be listed as numeric digits separated by decimals. For example: 1.1 or 1.1.2.
Version NotesEnter notes associated with the version. This fields accepts current build parameters in the form: $PARAM. For example:

Reapply PoliciesIf you choose this option, and the previous version of the app had any policies applied, the same policies will be applied when the updated app is published to App Management.
EnableIf you choose this option, the new version of the app will be automatically enabled when it is published to App Management. For more information, see Disable or Enable an Application.

Caution: You should not enable a new version of an app until it has been signed. If your app is not signed as part of your build process, use the Sign option to sign the app through App Management after it is published.
SignIf you choose this option, the new version of the app will be automatically signed when it is published to App Management.
Signing CredentialsSelect the credentials you want to use to sign the app from the signing credentials stored in App Management. The list includes only those credentials valid for the type of app you are signing. If there are no credentials listed, or if you need to add different credentials, see Sign an App (Admin Portal).
Add an upload...Click this button if you would like to add another app update to the build process. If you do add an upload, you must configure the options again for that update.