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Running IssueSync for Jira

  1. Start the IssueSync for Jira.
    Navigate to your installation folder and double-click VersionOne.ServiceHost.exe. A command window will open. If you have configured your system properly, you should see several [Info] messages followed by a [Startup] message.
  2. Test the integration
    To ensure the integration is working properly, perform the following steps:
    1. Create an Issue in Jira.
    2. Set the appropriate criteria based on your specified filter in order for the Issue to move to Agility.
    3. Verify that the Issue appears in Agility as either a Defect or Story (depending on the Issue Type you selected in Jira and specified in your Filter).
    4. Verify that the Jira Issue Status has been updated to IN PROGRESS.
    5. Close the Workitem in Agility.
    6. Verify that the Jira Issue Status has been updated to RESOLVED.
    7. Shut down the integration ServiceHost by pressing "Q" in the console window.
  3. Install as a Windows Service
  4. Run the following command from the console window:
    VersionOne.ServiceHost.exe --install
  5. This command installs integration as a Windows service that will run under the NT AUTHORITY\Local Service account. The Local Service account must be given access privileges to the directory where the the integration executable was installed so it can store its state and write to log files. Follow the steps below to change the security on the installation directory:
    1. Right click the installation folder from Windows Explorer.
    2. Select Properties".
    3. Select the Security tab.
    4. Click Add.
    5. Enter Local Service and click OK.
    6. Click the Allow check box for the "Full Control" row .
    7. Click OK to save the changes.