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Version: Early Access

Retrieve metadata for all system assets

This topic explains how to retrieve metadata for all system assets.


The following Meta API query will retrieve metadata for all system assets in one large response:

        <Server Base URI>/meta.v1

To know more about Asset Types supported in Agility, see Asset Type


            <Meta href="/VersionOne/meta.v1/" version="">
<AssetType name="AssetType" token="AssetType" displayname="AssetType'AssetType" abstract="False">
<DefaultOrderBy href="/VersionOne/meta.v1/AssetType/Order" tokenref="AssetType.Order"/>
<DefaultDisplayBy href="/VersionOne/meta.v1/AssetType/Name" tokenref="AssetType.Name"/>
<ShortName href="/VersionOne/meta.v1/AssetType/Name" tokenref="AssetType.Name"/>
<Name href="/VersionOne/meta.v1/AssetType/Name" tokenref="AssetType.Name"/>
<AttributeDefinition name="ID" token="AssetType.ID" displayname="AttributeDefinition'ID'AssetType" attributetype="Relation" isreadonly="True" isrequired="False" ismultivalue="False" iscanned="True" iscustom="False">
<ReciprocalRelation href="/VersionOne/meta.v1/AssetType/ID" tokenref="AssetType.ID"/>
<OrderByAttribute href="/VersionOne/meta.v1/AssetType/ID" tokenref="AssetType.ID"/>
<DisplayByAttribute href="/VersionOne/meta.v1/AssetType/Name" tokenref="AssetType.Name"/>
<RelatedAsset nameref="AssetType" href="/VersionOne/meta.v1/AssetType"/>

<!-- Additional Attribute Definition Nodes -->

<!-- Additional Operation Nodes -->


<!-- Addition Asset Type Nodes -->


The root element is calledMetaand contains anhrefattribute which indicates what URL was used to retrieve the information. TheMetaelement will contain a number of sub elements calledAssetTypewhich correspond to each of asset types supported by theVersionOneAPI. In eachAssetTypeelement are multipleAttributeDefinitionelements and multipleOperationelements as well as a few other nodes that are attribute definition references which provide suggestions on how to sort or display certain asset types. Inside eachAttributeDefinitionnode there are a number of relevant nodes that describe the specific attribute definition. Finally inside eachOperationnode is aValidatornode which is a reference to an attribute definition that indicates whether the operation is valid for a given asset.