Setting the System Timezone
This topic explains how to set the System Timezone in Agility Connect.
Follow these instructions to set the system timezone on Linux.
Agility Connect relies on the timezone of the Linux host and whatever timezone the MongoDB database is set to. Users can set their local timezone for display purposes used on some pages. However, data stored in the database uses the system timezone.
To set the system timezone on Linux, use the following steps.
Find your TZ value to use here:
Now set the timezone using the command line substituting the with the selected zone.
sudo timedatectl set-timezone
example for EST:
sudo timedatectl set-timezone America/New_York
example for PST:
sudo timedatectl set-timezone America/Los_Angeles
Then restart MongoDB to force the database to use the timezone setting. NOTE: this will require a minute or two of Agility Connect downtime.
sudo service mongod restart